"I'm ready to forgive you but forgetting is a harder fight"

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They are practicing until the last day and tomorrow is their comeback. It's funny how I already know their song and their choreography.

Dahyun and I became closer again like before. She always ask me out and she is back to being sweet. Her and her sweet gestures.

Although it's raining, I still feel warm because of Dahyun's love but somehow I still feel cold. I don't know anymore. I'm getting confused. Maybe because the more closer I am to Dahyun, the more distant Tzuyu became to me.

"Ya, Jagiya~ I've been calling you. You're zoning out. What's the matter?"

We stared at each other's eyes. I unconsciously poked her cheek and she grinned. I was mentally disappointed because I was expecting her to do something after I poke her cheek.

"Is there any problem? You're so cute when you do something unconsciously."

"Don't worry, Jagi. I'm fine. Maybe I'm just tired."

She looked at me with worried eyes, "Okay then let's get you home and it's raining."

I nodded. We went to the parking lot and rode the van with her other members.
"Bye, Jagi~"

We waved at each other. I kissed her cheek and she kissed my forehead.

"Dahyunnie, you better come back inside the van or we will leave you here in the cold."

"Yeah sure, savage maknae. We'll be going now, Jagi."

"Okay. Be safe."

I went inside my house. I bought this when Dahyun was courting me. I just feel like someone is choking me when I'm living with Mina and Chaeyoung after what happened. It's not because I'm mad at them. It's because it is a reminder of my stupidity.

I know I've already forgiven her but forgetting is hard.

"It's still raining hard. I hope there's no thunderstorms. I should have let Dahyun stay here..." I whispered to myself

I went to the kitchen to prepare a hot cup of chocolate. I drank it while it's still hot and my clumsiness burned my tongue. I decided to entertain myself by playing games in my phone and watched some movies.

Hours has passed and I'm still watching movies. I already finished A Silent Voice, Kimi no Nawa, Hotarubi no Mori E and The Girl Who Can Leap Through Time but it's still raining hard. A second later, I heard a loud thunder.

I screamed and covered my ears. I sat down the floor and closed my eyes tightly. I wish someone's here with me! I hear continuous thunders and a tear rolled down my cheek.

I flinched when I heard a knock on my door. I tried to stand up but every time there's a thunder I always sit back.

"Sana?! Sana! Open this door!"

Who's that? I can't stand properly!

I tried to stand up once again and hold on to things that can help me. I was able to hold onto the doorknob with shaky hands. I endured the thunders and tried to open the door. When I successfully opened it, someone pushed the door and hugged me tight. Warmth and safeness enveloped me.

I sighed in relief and my shaky hands calmed down. Her clothes are wet though. I slightly pulled away to see her face. My eyes widened to see Tzuyu. My heart pounded so hard that it can break by rib cage to break through.

Tzuyu is panting heavily and she is literally wet, head to toe!

"Ya! You should change! You will get si--"

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