"I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep"

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Tzuyu's kisses went down Sana's exposed neck. The older whimpered as Tzuyu nibbled on her neck. Sana's hands traveled up from the younger girl's nape to her hair, gripping it tightly. Tzuyu continued on licking and nibbling her neck while her hands traveled down from Sana's shoulders to her hips.

The younger pulled away and whispered on Sana's ear, "Why aren't you stopping me, huh? You should be stopping me!"

Both of them panting heavily, fanning each other's faces.

"Why would... Why would I stop... you?" Sana asked back and that made Tzuyu frustrated

"Fuck! If we continue this... I might not control myself anymore, Sana. There's no turning back. Do you understand that?"

The older nodded, "But if... If this makes you happy then I'm going to give it to you."

Tzuyu closed her eyes while Sana draws small circles on the younger girl's nape, "Sana... That's not how it works."

The younger opened her eyes and stared into Sana's brown orbs, "I want you to be happy. If you want this as much as I do, then we'll continue. But if you don't, then I won't get mad at you. We will sleep if that's what you want..."

Sana loved how gentle Tzuyu is when it comes to her. Tzuyu always prioritize Sana's safety more than hers. As a matter of fact, Tzuyu sneaks out of their dorm just to check on Sana, using the chance while Dahyun goes out with her but Sana doesn't know a thing.

Sana feels her heart beat racing like before and she said unconsciously, "I love you, Tzuyu-ya..."

The older instantly covered her mouth and Tzuyu looked at the girl below her with widened eyes, "What, Sana? Please say that again. I might be crazy."

Tzuyu's last string of sane and control that stops her hormones from going insane and ravish on the innocent yet sexy Sana's body.

"I love you, Tzuyu. Please make love to me"

"I love you too, Sana."

Tzuyu crashed her lips on Sana's, kissing her with lust and hunger. The older kissed her with the same intensity. Sana pulled Tzuyu closer while the younger grips on Sana's shirt. Their lips parted for a second as Tzuyu removes Sana's shirt. Their lips were connected again like magnet.

The younger licks Sana's lower lip and Sana quickly let her in. Sana moaned as Tzuyu initiated a tongue battle for dominance which the younger won. Sana moaned once again as she let Tzuyu explore her hot, wet cavern.

As Tzuyu pulled their lips away, a string of saliva was visible. The younger ravished on Sana's creamy and soft exposed neck. The older moaned loudly as Tzuyu harshly bit and sucked on her neck, leaving a hickey.

"Ahh~ Tzuyu-ya~"

Sana moaned Tzuyu's name and that woke her inside beast up. Tzuyu growled near the older girl's ear as it turned on her even more. She wants to pleasure Sana so bad that she wants the older to moan and scream her name.

Tzuyu's hands groped on Sana's mountains and played with it. When she got tired of playing her mountains, Tzuyu unclasped Sana's brassiere and pinched her pink nipples making it erect and red.

"A-ahh~ Mnn~ Suck on them, Tzuyu-ya!"

Tzuyu obliged and sucked on Sana's left nipple while playing and pinching with the other. The younger lick and bit on both nipples, giving them equal attention. Sana arched her back to give Tzuyu more access.

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