"I need a little more time"

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It's late at night and Dahyun's not texting me if she already got home safely into their dorm after practice today.

Days passed and I tried asking Dahyun about the day I bumped into her and was looking flustered but she kept on changing the subject. I decided to not ask her about it again because she might get mad or irritated at me and maybe it's a personal matter.

She must be hiding something from you. A girlfriend should trust her partner to the point that they could talk about each other's problems. But maybe not all are like that.

But I feel like Dahyun is keeping distance away from me since that day. I mean, she doesn't text me that much anymore and every time she replies to me, she only use words that could only be counted by one hand.

I keep on staring at the screen of my phone while lying down my bed. Waiting for Dahyun makes me frustrated and I'm somehow feeling sulky towards her behavior and attitude for the past few days.

I decided to sleep and ask her tomorrow about that issue that has been bugging me but my phone suddenly beeped. I quickly opened the message, hoping that it could be from Dahyun but to my dismay, I slightly frowned to see Tzuyu's message instead.

From Tzuyu:

Dahyunnie's home. You can sleep now.

To Tzuyu:

How did you know that I'm waiting for her? Also, where did Dahyun go? I know she's from your whole day practice but I didn't expect this to be until freaking midnight. She isn't texting me for the whole freaking day.

I pressed send and my phone beeped. Woah, she replies fast.

From Tzuyu:

What do you expect from idols who are preparing for their comeback? We have a career to do and not just being lovey dovey with their freaking lovers. As for now, Dahyunnie's very tired and she was already asleep the moment we stepped inside our room.

I frowned at the way she texted me. She sounds mad and I feel disrespected with the way she talks to me.

To Tzuyu:

Hey! I'm older than you. Who taught you to talk like that, huh? I want Dahyun to text me and not you. Why are you even replying?

I waited for her reply and it took her five minutes. I have to admit that, that was the longest five minutes in my life. Why did I even waited for her reply? I should have sleep and ignore her.

From Tzuyu:

I'm just telling you the truth, unnie...

To Tzuyu:

Oh, now you're giving me respect. Tss. I'll sleep now.

From Tzuyu:

Okay... Good night, unnie. Sweet dreams.

From Tzuyu:

I'm sorry...

I stared at her message for a few minutes. I feel like there is another reason why she apologized. But I didn't reply anymore and decided to sleep.


The next day I found Dahyun beside me in my bed, her arm wrapped around my waist and her face is close to the side of my neck.

"Dahyun...?" I whispered, checking if she's awake or not

"Hmm? Yes, Jagi?" she pulled me towards her, making us more closer to each other.

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