"Our love we see right here stays so lay your head on me"

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5 years later...

"Hey, Sana"

I hummed in response after sipping my cup of coffee.

"Why did Tzuyu lie to you? What was the reason behind it?"

I raised my eyebrow at Mina, "What lie?"

"You know, she lied to you about her being a fake person."

I nodded, "Ah! Aside from the arranged marriage, she lied because her career was on the line. She wouldn't risk her dream just to love me back then. But when everything went dark and messy for her, she yearned for my presence. Then she realized that she needed me. She missed me. She loves me."

"She fixed everything a week before she got back here. She managed to talk to her parents about the marriage and they were understanding enough to allow her to go back to me. As for her career, she decided to talk to JYP-nim about it. He was disappointed that he found out Tzuyu is in a relationship with a girl. She almost got suspended but good thing he thought twice before doing that. Now, Tzuyu is still performing with the other members."

I looked at Mina and she's smiling, "My best friend is so in love and lucky!"

I giggled, "I'm so proud of Tzuyu for fighting for her right and fixing everything before she frcided to go back to me."

Mina playfully nudged me and wiggled her eyebrows at me. I laughed and slapped her shoulder.

"Hey! That hurts!"

I kissed her shoulder, "There. Feeling better?"

Her eyebrows creased, "Why did you do that?"

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to reading a book, "I'm just used to doing that to Tzuyu every time I accidentally slap her shoulder"

Mina was about to say something but her phone started ringing. I glanced at the caller's ID and it's Chaeng.

"I better answer this, Sana-ya!" I nodded and she grabbed her phone before running towards the balcony.

I should be working right now but Tzuyu chose to let me rest here in our home that we bought about five years ago. I groaned because I'm still bored even though I'm reading a book. Mina is just here because she's waiting for her tiger. I looked at the time and it's still early in the afternoon.

What should I do?

I want to go and visit Tzuyu but she might get mad because I wasn't staying at home. Tzuyu already got my 'yes' five years ago. I couldn't believe that she is such a bossy person aside from being a possessive, sweet and caring girlfriend.

She's unbelievable because she asked me to be her girlfriend on their second solo concert. She really did that in front of her fans. I couldn't even speak that time. Some fans were disappointed and some were rooting for us. I'm just glad that nothing happened to my Yoda after that.

She never changed even after all these years. She's still the same Yoda that I knew. I'm actually falling for her harder each day. She really likes to make an effort in everything that she does for me.

I suddenly remember our first anniversary. Oh, I know it's cheesy and cliche. But I feel like a teenage high school girl that received a gift from her crush. I can't help but to blush every time I imagine it again and again.


"Hold on, Sana. Are you sure you're ready to drive now?"

I nodded and smiled, "Come on, Tzu. Don't worry too much about me. I'm fine now"

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