"I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait"

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Tzuyu with a sweaty body is my weakness! She is too close for my liking though. The fact that she licked and bit my sweet spot made me tremble and weak in the knees.

Now she pulled me to sit on her lap, her thighs between my legs making me face her, with her arms around my waist and my hands gripping on her shoulders. I'm blushing furiously because of our position.

Is she seriously going to question me like this?

"Answer me straight, Sana. Did you love Dahyun? As a woman?"

I averted my eyes from her intense ones, "N-No. Dahyun already know that. We only see each other as friends."

She pulled me closer and whispered, "I still don't like the fact that you two dated. You looked happier with her, by your side."

I push her away gently and looked at her, "I was hurt before so I said yes to be Dahyun's girlfriend. What do you expect?"

"Then did you use her?"

She's so serious.

"Yeah. We used each other. Dahyun told me that she loves Momo."

She nodded, "I'll ask about the past."

My eyebrows furrowed. Why does she want to talk about that? I had a bad past and I tried to forget it but I just can't. Not because I'm weak to do so. It's because Tzuyu's here and I always see them in her. She is like a representation of TzuYoda and Sally.

"Are you mad at them?"

I stared at her, "I was but I realized that it's no use. Why would I be mad at them? They're just a product of my imagination."

"What if I tell you that they are real?"

My grip tightened, "How sure are you?"

"I'm a hundred percent sure."

Suddenly I can feel a light of hope but Tzuyu might be playing around.

"Are they talking to you? Do you guys see each other?"

She nodded and smiled, "Yes, we always see each other if you ask me."

I looked at her, confused. "We are always together here in the practice room. How do you manage to see them?"

I saw hesitation in her eyes but it was immediately replaced by determination.

"Because I am TzuYoda and Sally." She said, looking dead serious in my eyes

My eyebrows furrowed. I feel confused and mad. My heart ached at what she said. Is she playing with me? But why do I feel like she is telling me the truth?

"I don't believe you!"

"I'll prove it to you." She said, gently

"Then why would you hurt me like this?" I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. I started to throw punches at her.

Guilt and worry rushed down her face. She immediately wiped my tears and gently cupped my face.

"I'm sorry... Don't cry please. I know it hurts and I'm here to heal your scars. Just... Just let me tell and prove you everything what happened before."

I placed my head in the crook of Tzuyu's neck and cried. She caressed my hair and hugged me tightly, making me feel safe and secure.

"I'll heal you, Sana. Just let me."

I slowly nodded and she kissed my forehead, "Thank you. You won't regret this."

She was caressing my back, calming me down and making me sleepy. A few minutes later, my eyelids feel heavy. Last thing I remembered was Tzuyu saying those words.

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