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"Fuck you! I should never have trusted you!" Dahyun roughly pushed Tzuyu

The tall maknae remained silent and still as a statue. She has no strength to shout or to fight back, just allowing her unnie to do whatever she wants to do to her. Her head hung low. Guilt slowly eating her. Tears flowing down her cheeks. In her mind, she was mentally killing herself. Blaming herself to what happened to Sana.

"It's all your fucking fault! She almost killed herself!" Dahyun shouted and punched Tzuyu hard, making her sit on the tiled floor of the hospital that Sana was rushed in.

Dahyun was about to punch Tzuyu but the doctor who checked on Sana interrupted, "Friends of Minatozaki Sana?"

Dahyun raised her hand and turned around to face the doctor, leaving Tzuyu on the tiled floor.

"Miss Minatozaki is already stable and she just needs to rest for now. Expect her to wake up anytime. She had a hallucination of suicide and made a large slit on her wrist. It's a good thing that she was rushed immediately. She didn't lose much blood but she might be weak when she wake up. Now if you'll excuse me, I better go now."

Both girls nodded and the doctor left. Tzuyu raised her head and her swollen and red eyes can be seen, tears continues to flow down her cheeks. Her left cheek is swollen and her bottom lip is slightly bleeding because of Dahyun's punch earlier.

Dahyun pointed at her, "Don't you dare show your face to her. Don't go inside and apologize. Sana had enough. She doesn't deserve someone who hurt her."

What Dahyun said shot arrows straight to Tzuyu's heart. She was bleeding in the inside. She's mentally dead inside.

"You lost your chance to have Sana. Now, it's my turn. I'll take care of her. Go away. Never let Sana see you."

Dahyun is so cruel but I deserve it. Tzuyu thought.

Tzuyu nodded and weakly smiled at her, "Okay, unnie... Maybe we were fated to meet but not destined for each other. I love her so much. God knows how but I have no right to fight anymore. We've been chasing the same girl for years. It was my chance but I wasted it. I ruined it. I should've confessed earlier. I've hurt her so much."

Tzuyu sobbed. Dahyun felt a pang of pain in her heart while watching the maknae crying. The maknae reached for her back pocket and gave a piece of paper to Dahyun.

"Please give this to her once she have recovered from the tragedy. I expect you to take care of her, unnie." Dahyun nodded

The small girl somehow felt guilt and pity for the injured and weak maknae so she helped her stand up and Tzuyu walked away, silently.



The Nation's Girl Group, TWICE, has announced hiatus.


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