Twilight Sparkle!

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Hiya! This is a question from Princess-Twilight! "Do you know who I am?"

Of course I do! You are Princess Twilight Sparkle! I didnt know you were a princess until Pinkie Pie wrote a letter to me telling me what happened!

Of course I do! You are Princess Twilight Sparkle! I didnt know you were a princess until Pinkie Pie wrote a letter to me telling me what happened!

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So! How does it feel to be a Princess?

It must be pretty great, huh?

I-I *Cheesy sense goes off*

I must be going now! *Puts on poncho and hat* Cheese Sandwich is back in action. Come on Boneless number 2. We ride to Manehattan... Again...

See you later!
  - Cheese Sandwich :3

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