Labels and Prank calls

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Hey! I have a dare from Spikezilla! "I dare you to lable everything that is yours"

Pfft. EASY!

*puts label on Boneless 2 and myself*

Okie time to go walk around town!

Hiya Pinks!!!

Pinks: Hiiii Cheesie!!

Me: *puts label on her* See ya later!

Pinks: W-What just happened...? Meh.

Okie! So..... Thats done. On to the next dare! From AllstarheroCharacter! ,I dare you, Flash Sentry, Soarin, and Discord to prank call Spitfire, Shining Armor, Flim and Flam, Big Macintosh, and the great and powerful Trixie.

Me: Ooooo! Fun!

Discord: *smirks* I havent done this in a while...

Soarin: Childhood memories.

Flash: Lets get this over with

Me: Discord Go first!

Discord: Of course! *calls up Shining Armor* Why hello!

Shining: Hello? This is Shinning Armor speaking.

Discord: Why yes. You have 1,000 Rubber Chickens ordered! And we are going to deliver them to you right away!

Shining: W-What! I never ordered rubber Chickens! And.... You're voice... It sounds so familiar...

Discord: *eyes widen in shock and hangs up* I... I got scared... Heh..

Me: Soarin... You must prank call Spitfire...

Soarin: Alrighty.. *calls Spitfire and uses a deep voice* Hello

Spitfire: Hello. This is Spitfire. Whatever you have to say make it quick.

Soarin: I-I love you! *hangs up*

Me: "I Love you?!!" No... No... Why Soarin. Thats it. No more Pie for you! Bad! We all know you like Rainbow Dash!

Soarin: *is about to cry* sorry sir...

Flash: My turn! *calls up Big Macintosh and uses a high pitched voice* Helloooooo!

Big Mac: Hello.

Flash: Byeeeeee! *hangs up*

Me: What was that!?!?

Flash: *shrugs* Meh. I wanna go home!

Me: Naw... Flim and Flam... Soarin! You're turn!

Soarin: *calls the brothers* Heya!!

Flim: Hello!


Flim: W-Who are y-you?

Flam: *starts laughing*

Soarin: FLAM WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!?! IM COMING TO GET YOU BOTH!!. ...You can run... But you can't hide.... I'll give you a head start.... See ya soon~

Flim and Flam: *Starts panicking*

Soarin: Have fun....*hangs up*

Flash: Wait... How come you havent done any...?

Me: Buck. I was hoping to stay out of this... But Okie fine.. *calls up Trixie*

Trixie: Hello..

Me: Is this the Krusty Krab?

Trixie: No. This is the great and powerful Trixie! *hangs up*

Me: *calls again* Hello. Is this the krusty krab?

Trixie: No. This is the great and powerful Trixie! *Hangs up*

Me: *smirks and calls again.* Hello. Is this the krusty krab?


Me: *laughs* okay thats enough. XD Thats it for now! See ya!

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