My first tag! :D

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Hi! I've been tagged by -PinkamenaDianePie-! Okie lets get started....

(....This is going to be my true answers not Cheese Sandwich's XD)

1.)What Honestly made you go to Wattpad?

Hmm... Well I was looking up Cheesepie stories and wattpad popped up and I wanted to tell the author that their story was amazing so I created an account (Before this one) and just got addicted XD (Don't ask for the other account unless I truly trust you.)


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2.) How many times do you updates do you do in a week?

Well... I try to update every single day when I'm not busy... But Even if I am busy I still update. But... Idk.. A lot. XD

3.) What grade are you in?

Wow. That's a stalker one.... But *sigh* Ya really wanna know.... I'm young and dumb... >:) Fine. I'll say but be prepared to be shocked....



8th grade. Okie ima go run now. XD

4.) What year were you born?
Such stalker questions! 2004

5.) Do you have any friends in real life?

Why yes... They mean the world to me... And a few of them have Wattpad.. And has *cough* dared Cheese Sandwich things *cough* >:)

6.) Any siblings?

Yup Yup Yup! Sister and a brother all older! I'm da youngest and most spoiled ;)

7.) What kind of food do you like?

Well... Hmmm... Yummy food. XD

8.) How do you think you would react if you met one of your readers?

Well... I would cry honestly...  I've been wanting to meet a few peeps out there... I and still do! And I now want to meet a few more people because with this account I've made a few more friends that I love ❤

9.) How many hours do you spend on your phone a day?

...Well... When I'm not in school... Almost all the time. I would get a text and I will respond right away. XD

*Goes back to be Cheese Sandwich XD* 

I tag.....

NO PONY! Cause ima be nice! :D

See ya later! :3

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