Dust Moon and BFF

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Heya every pony! I have a question from RainbowSparkle88! "What's your honest opinion on dustmoon99?! And who's your BFF besides Boneless 2 and Pinkie Pie."

Well Dust Moon... Hmmmm... Well we became buddies! Remember? We're buddies now! And... I just love how much he loves Twilight and thats why I bought him the Twilight plush! Yup! He's super nice and cool. I'm sure he would be the fun type at my parties!

Next question! My bff?! Ummmmmmmmmmmm.... If it's not Boneless 2 or Pinks.. Then.. It would be Spikezilla, Starlight-GlimGlam, and  StarlightGlimmer69 cause they all are good ponies! ;-; But we all know I love Pinkie the most.

Well! I guess that's it for now! See ya later! Have a wonderful funtastic day!! I love you all! See ya!
-cheese sandwich

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