A little Game...

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Hey Every pony! I'm back and we have a little surprise... ;) Soarindashlover Ya know what I'm talking about...

So I'm here with Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash... And my personal favorite Pinkie Pie... Twilight Sparkle and Applejack were busy and can't attend ;-;

Rainbow Dash: Why are we even here?

Pinkie Pie: To have fun of course! Why else would we be here with Cheese Sandwich?!

Rainbow Dash: *mutters* So you can make out with him....Have kids.... Get married...

Me: *Glares at Rainbow* Well the real reason you all are is is because we are going to play a little game....

Pinkie Pie: OOh! A game! Yay! That sounds super fun!!

Rarity: If you don't mind dear, Can you please tell us what game it is?

Me: Sure! Its truth or dare!

Fluttershy: O-Oh... Oh no... I don't really like this game...

Twilight: It's alright Fluttershy. Its not like our crushes are here or anything. So nothing bad can happen!

Me: *smirks* oops! I forgot to say... That we will also have more guests joining us...

*Soarin walked in*

Me: Where's spike? ..

Soarin: Eh. He said he was scared to come cause he said somepony might dare him to kiss Rarity...

Rainbow Dash: Meh. Sounds like something Cheese would do.

Me: Well of course!

Rarity: Well lets get started shall we?

Me: hehehehehhehe.... Alrighty..... Soarin! Truth or dare...?

Soarin: Pfft. Dare. I'm not a chicken.

Rainbow Dash: Oh "Surrrre"

Me: Okay.... *evil laugh* ...I dare you... Tooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

Soarin: Get on with it Cheese! Man, I swear. You act so Cheesy sometimes..

Pinkie Pie: Well Duh! That's his name!

Me: Okay... I dare you to Kiss Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow Dash: W-What!? *blushes* ewww. No.

Soarin: Come on.. Its just a dare baby.

Rainbow: baby?! No. Ima just go no-


Soarin: *Puts a hoof under RD's chin and leads closer...*

Rainbow Dash: *trys backing away* Come on Pinkie, Please...? Or ima tell Cheese how you feel about him.

Pinkie: *giggles* Silly don't ya know... He already knows! NOW KISS!! *Pushes RD*

Soarin: *kisses her*

RD: *backs away with a huge blush on her face* Woah! Would ya look at the time... I think I said I would help egghead do t-things. Bye! *Flys off*

Soarin: *smirks* I'm not letting her go. *Flys off to find her*


Fluttershy: Yeah... Now we wait for Cheesepie...

Me: W-What....?

Fluttershy: oops... I'm sorry I said too much... Me and... rarity... Must go now.. Come on Rarity... *grabs Ratity's hoof and runs off*

Pinkie: ...at least it wasn't Starlight Gimmer shipping us.

Me: ...or Glim-Glam....

Pinkie: Awwww. What about our game! Every pony left so it'll be no fun!

Me: *gasp* There's no such thing as "no fun" with us two around! Come on Pinks. Let's go cause some trouble! *Grabs hoof*

Pinkie: Heh heh! Lets go Cheesie!

Me: Bye everypony see you later! *runs off with Pinkie*

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