I'm sorry...

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Hey Every pony! ...I was playing truth or dare with... A few ponies and... katiekat_hiss has dared me to do something.... Ahhh... I hope you all can forgive me for this...

*gets Boneless number two out*

I-I hope you can f-forgive me... Pal...

And Pinkie Pie.... Please forgive me for this too... Ugh. Katie.. -3- I'm scared... Well. Let's get this over with...

Eehhhh. *starts Kissing Boneless number 2*

Please forgive meeeeeeee...

*continues to kiss Poor Boneless number 2*

*stops* You know what... I can't do this... ;-;

Boneless number 2 is my best buddy and partner.... This is one of the craziest things I've ever done.... And... I'm one crazy pony!

"Thanks Katie" -3- You embarrassed me so badly in front of every pony! Aahhhhhhh! My reputation is ruined. ;-;

Ummmm...Pinkie? ....Um... Lets just pretend that this never happened.

And Spike....Don't you dare keep reading this over and over....

Katie? ...I will get REVENGE on you.... Oh just wait... Heheheheheh...

Starlight Glimmer and Glim-Glam... Please don't ship me and my good plan Boneless 2... You already ship me and Pinks.. I don't need more ponies or... Rubber chickens to be shipped with...

Alrighty! Ima go die of embarrassment now! See ya!
-Cheese Sandwich ;-;
(If I'm not on Wattpad... I probably died if embarrassment.... ;-;)

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