New OTP?!

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Hey everypony! I have been talking to Spikezilla a lot on discord and... Well... Heh... First of all ima expose him!

Spike was being mean and luckily 0PinkamenaDianePie0 didn't read that part

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Spike was being mean and luckily 0PinkamenaDianePie0 didn't read that part... But now ya just did..

Anyways! I started to talk with spike and...


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Okie... So My buddy Hannah (Y'all know her) she's going to take over now! She will be speaking in da Bold letters! Okie Hannah go ahead!

Hey kids! I have a new surprise for all of you! I have made a new ship!

Hey kids! I have a new surprise for all of you! I have made a new ship!

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SpikeSandwich~ 0PinkamenaDianePie0 ;3 Heh.. I made this with really hard work and I think it desveres to be my new OTP... Sorry Cheesepie...

Wait... What?! You hobo! You can't do that Hannah! One.. Me and Spike are just friends... Two. We all know my heart belongs to Pinkie Pie!! And three. Hannah. You're really going to give up Cheesepie. Have you seen your wattpad account cheesepie_lover1?! Key word Hannah... Cheesepie..

Hmmm..i guess you're right Cheesie... *sighs* I still ship it sorry Cheesie.. Sorry Spikey Wikey... Sorry Pinkie.. I know that you and my "husband" belong together.... Ima go now see ya cutie!

Pfft.. SpikeSandwich.. Is anypony going to ship that? XD Naw...


Alrighty I'll see ya ponies later! I need to sleep now... Cause Boneless 2 just woke up and he's so mean! Heh.

Spike... Just friends okay.

Hehehehehheheh.... Sorry I love this song...

Hans is my husband!

Hannah... Everypony is your husband! Im your "husband" Now see you all later! Byeeee!

Drawing is made by me! :D

(Wanna join our discord chat? Pm me.. You're missing out on good stuff ;D)

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