Throwing Pie & Spike

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Hey everypony! I have a new dare from AllstarheroCharacter "I dare you to throw an apple pie at Soarin."

Hmmmm.... *evil laugh* This sounds fun...

*finds Soarin*

Me: Hey Soarin!

Soarin: Oh hey, Cheese! That game of truth or dare... That was great!

Me: Eh. It was for the fans who wanna fangirl over this.

Soarin: For the what...?


Soarin: Huh! Where!! *looks behind him*

Me: *gets apple pie ready* Ehehe...

Soarin: Where I don't see he-

Me: *throws Pie in his face*

Soarin: What the heck dude! *sniffs pie* W-Wait... Is.. This... Apple Pie..?!!

Me: Uh... Yes..?

Soarin: Cool!*licks it all off*

Me: Uh.... Okay then! I have to go now! There's going to be a major party in Apploosa As always...

Soarin: Okay see ya later cheese. *flys off*

Well... Okay then on to the next dare
From Spikezilla! "I dare you cosplay as me for 24 hours"

Aaaahahhahahhahh.... Fine... Even though I'm walking through Ponyville right now...

*puts on costume of Spike*

I just hope no pony sees me...

Rarity: Spikey Wikey? Is that you...?

Me: Buck! *keeps walking*

Rarity: *runs until she gets in front of me* OH! Sorry.. I thought you were Spike... Wait a second... Cheese? Is that you dear?

Me: Nope!

Rarity: Oh don't play games with me Cheese. I know its you....

Pinkie Pie: *appears out of no where* Hi Cheese! *giggles*Why are ya dress up like Spike! Thats so silly!

Me: *blushes* Look...I have to get going...

Rainbow Dash: Ha! Cheese! Nice costume.

Fluttershy: It looks very nice... Did you make it?

Applejack: *blushes* Now why the hay would ya wanna dress up like Spike?!

Twilight: For once in my life... I must say that Cheess Sandwich you look goofy!

Spike: Nice! You actually did it. Now... Lets see if you can't last... *evil laugh*

Me: *sighs* I will last the day! ...But... My Cheesy sense it telling me there is a party that I must attend!

Spike: Nope! Ya can't go.. We wont know if you took off the costume or not... So you have to stay here.

Cheese: B-But! It's a party!

Pinkie pie: Its Okay Cheesie! We can have our own party here! Just me and you..... And the girls!

Spike: And me.

Pinkie: And Spike.... Wow. We Will have to Spikes at the party *laughs* See ya at SugarCube Corner!

Me: Fine... I'll stay... ;-;

Well... Thats it for now... See you all later! :')

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