Future and SoarinDash!

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Hey everypony! Its a late update but I have my reasons! *cough* I didn't want to update*cough* Umm.. Lets see! Ah! We have a question from BlueSapphireSkies! "If you were given a chance to go to the future would you stay there or not?"

Hmmm.... Well i wouldn't stay cause then it would be scary cause I wouldn't know what has happened in the past and OH! I would have missed my wedding with Pinkie and- Naw... I would leave back to the present! I... I don't wanna miss the special moments that I'm still waiting for! *coughs* Like Starlight and Starburst getting together! Or Rarity and Spike! *cough* :D

Next we have a dare from Soarindashlover! "I dare you to make SoarinDash happen!" Okie.. So I usually don't do these type it things cause I won't ruin ponies moments... But. It's for some pony who I hope feels better soon! So I shall do this!

Soarin: Hey Cheese!

Me: Hello Soarin. You're going on a date now! Come on! *grabs his hoof and takes him to SugarCube Corner*

Soarin: Okay... A date with who...?

Me: Sh! Just sit your flank down and wait okay! I'll be back soon! *runs in the kitchen*

Pinkie: *Enters holding RD's hoof and dragging her inside*

Rainbow: Pinkie! Why am I even here!!

Pinkie: Oh Hi Soarin! 😏 Hush Dashie! Now sit your flank down in dat chair next to Soarin! I'll be back soon!! *runs to kitchen*

Soarin: Hey Dashie!

Rainbow: Hey Soar... Why are we here?

Soarin: Hmmm... I don't know... But... There's something I've been wanting to ask you lately anyways...

Pinkie: *in the kitchen fangirling*.

Rainbow: Which is...?

Soarin: Well... I.. I'm going to ne straight out.... Rainbow Dash... I... I really like you..

Rainbow: *blushes a bit* Y-Yeah. And? Every pony likes me. I'm 20% cooler than any pony!

Soarin: More than that Dashie... I.. I love you.

Dash: *blushes* W-What...?

Soarin: Oh Dash... You heard me... *leans closer* I love you to the stars and back...

Dash: I...I....

Soarin: *chuckles and kisses her*

Dash: *eyes widen but kisses back*

Me and Pinks: Yay! We did it we did it!!!

Soarin: Will you be my special some pony?

Dash: I...I... Yes!

Soarin: Wait...  Really?!

Dash: Yes! Yes you silly dork *She tackled him and hugged him*

Pinkie: *starts shaking me back and forth* YAYAYAYYAYA!!! SOARINDASH!!! ITS A REAL THING NOW!! EEEK! CHEESIE! ISNT THIS GREAT!

Me: Y-Yes.. Pinks...

Pinks: *let's go of me and walks to the table* Hey lovebirds here is a little something from me and Cheesie! *Puts ApplePie on the table* Have fun~

Me: Well... Thats all the time we have for now! See ya later!

Pinks: Eeeeeek! SoarinDashhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Come on Cheesie! We're gonna host a SoarinDash party! Bye ponies who are reading this!!

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