Da Date and new rules!

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Hey everypony!! I have a dare from 0PinkamenaDianePie0!! "I dare you to set up a date for Wave Chill and Spitfire."

Well okie than... But I have some new rules I share after this dare!

Me: *grabs Spitfire and covers her mouth* Shhhhhhhh.

cheesepie_lover1: Wow... Cheese you're such a stalker!

Me: Shush, Hannah! *takes Spitfire to SugarCube Corner*

Hannah: Man.. Always there... Can't ya pick some other good place!?

Me: Shut up Hannah! SugarCube Corner is a wonderful place, Okay!?

Hannah: Sure... You just want to see Pinkie Pie.. *smirks*

Me: *blushes* N..No! ...Pinkie is helping me as always... Even though she dared me to do this.. *walks inside bakery holding struggling Spitfire*

Pinkie: CHEESIE!!!

Me: *throws Spitfire into Hannah's hooves (cause she's a pony now XD) and runs and hugs Pinks* Eek! Is he here?!

Pinkie: *nods* Yup, yup, Yup!! He's tied up in the back!

Spitfire: What the hell do you think you're doing you creepo!? I'm supposed to be at HQ!

Me: *gasp* Me? A creepo!?! Pinks am I a creepo?

Pinks: *giggles* Nope! But if you were a creepo... You would be my creepo! *blushes* wait...what?!

Hannah: Awww how cute! Now come on... The people want to see WaveFire... Not cheesepie! Save that for later!

Spitfire: W-WaveFire...?! What is that?

Me: Heh.. You're about to find out.. *smirks* When Hannah lets go please follow me and Pinkie Pie.

Spitfire: Do I really trust you?

Pinkie: Ya should! Come on! You'll get something special!!

Spitfire: ...Fine. Just let me go now.

Hannah: *lets go off Her* Hmm... I need to go fangirl now... See ya later Cheesie! I love YOU! *leaves*

Me: Uh.... Well then.. Come on Spitfire.. Follow us now...

~In the back~

Spitfire: *walks in and sees Wave Chill tied on a chair* W-What?! *turns to me and Pinks* Did You kidnap him!?

Pinks: Of course! ...Well... Umm... Cheesie?

Me: OH! Uh well ya see.. He really didn't want to come... So we kinda had to bring him here... It's important!

Pinkie: Yup! We are going to leave you two alone~

Me: Yup! Have fun! There are some cupcakes and snacks there if ya need it! You two get to know each other a bit better! See ya! *Me and Pinks leave*

Spitfire: *untied Wave Chill* Now why in Equestria would those two have tied you up?

Wave: Oh. Thanks so much! Ow... My hooves were tied pretty tight. Sooo.. How are you doing?

Spitfire: Well.. Pretty good I guess and you..? ...Wait.. We were both at the HQ earlier and I asked you this. *facehoofs*

Wave: *blushes* Heh... Right I kinda forgot...

Spitfire: Heh...

Wave: *clears throat* So... Umm.. There's something I've needing to ask...

Pinks: *fangirls in da back*

Spitfire: Which is...?

Wave: ...i.. Uh..  Will you be my ssp..? *winced getting ready for total rejection*

Spitfire: *blushes* Of course!! I thought that was you on the phone the other day!

Wave: Huh?

Spitfire: The other day... I got a call from you and you said that you loved me...

Me: *chuckles in the background*

Pinks: *wishpers* He told her that!

Me: It was a prank call and Soarin used a different voice and I guess she thought it was him!

Pinks: *giggles* Aaaah... All these cute dares! I just love it!

Me: same!

Pinks: Lets look back at the happy couple shall we! Eeek!

Me and Pinks: *Both of us look at them only to find out that they are kissing*

Pinks: W-Woah... That was fast...

Me: ...Very... I guess that this was a success... So that's it for now.. I have do go! Bye Pinks!

Pinks: Awww! Nooooooo! Take me with youuuuuuu!

Me: Okie come on! We shall leave the happy couple here.


Me: Okie everypony! I have some new rules for the dares!

Pinks: Pfft... Rules really Cheesie? That's boring!

Me: -_- Well these rules will help me Pinks.

Pinks: Aaaah! Okie!

Me: Okay everypony here are the new rules. When you dare me to do something please don't make me make ships get together because I don't want to ruin any pony's chances.

2.) Please make the dares small and simple because if it involves so many ponies and things to do... It really gets hard for me to post..

3.) Please don't bother me to update right away... I've been super duper busy planning parties and it's so hard to finish up all these dares!

4.) We also need a bit more questions.. Thanks!

Pinks: Is that it...? Cause that's a lot of boring rules.

Me: Oh Pinks. You're so cute sometimes... *blushes* I didn't just say that.. You didn't hear that..

Pinks: Oh yes I did! Silly Cheesie! *hugs* :3 You're so cute too... :3

Me: Oops! Looks like we are out of time!

Pinks: No we're not!

Me: Uh. Yes we are! See you all later! Byeeeee!

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