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Hey everypony I got tagged by Magicmusic555!

Hey everypony I got tagged by Magicmusic555!

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(Hannah shall be taken over now XD)

1.) Whats that one thing in your closet that you can't live without?

My drawings. Yes. I have a shoe rack but I put my binder full of drawings and story ideas there instead. I would die without them cause some other person would be able to steal my Ocs and story ideas!

2.) Whats that one food that you can't live without?

Hmmm.... The yummy food cause then there would be the bad food and yeah! XD

3.) Cake or ice cream?

Ice cream!!! I act like a little kid okay! XD

4.) Favorite quote or phrase that you'd like to live by?

) Favorite quote or phrase that you'd like to live by?

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5.) Guilty pleasure.

Lemon-ade..!!! Yeah... 😶 Aahahahha. Donthatemeemememememme!!

6.) What's the Perfect date with celebrity crush?

Meh. Don't have a celebrity crush. Only fictional crushes ;)

7.) What is one thing in your bucket list?

To this one teacher who bullied me off! I wanna tell him how much I hate him :)

8.) Favorite shows

Things okay. Stop being stalkers.

9.) Whats one of your greatest achievements?

Well Okie. I took an honors English test to see if I would get in for high school and it turns out that I did get in! I felt proud cause we had to make an essay and everyone was making a flow map and I just started writing! I'm happy because I want to become an author!

10.) Friends or family?

Well... I honestly don't know my family kinda treats me badly sometimes... And my friends are nice.. Unless it's them. So really it just depends on the family members and friends because honestly no one really likes me anymore! :'D

11.) Wealth or education?

Education! As I said, I want to become an author! And... I'm kinda used to be a kinda poor family ;-;

12.) Last song you listened to..

Hehehehehehe.... Don't judge... I get really bored...

Yeah... Hehehe.... Don't judge me! I love this song so much! *starts crawling on the roof* It has Cheesepie... And a parody of my favorite Disney song... Hehehe.. What more can I ask for! *falls off roof and goes back to being Cheese Sandwich*

Tag 12 ponies!





Have a great day!! :D

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