The Prologue

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  I awoke not to the darkness I've gotten so used to in the 2 weeks I've been alive, but a slight light. Through it I saw, for the first time, my mother. Oh how gorgeous she is! Her fur was a white with black and orange spots.

  "Mother! I can see! I can see you!" I tried to get her attention.

"You can? Oh sweetie, I'm so glad, your beautiful eyes are so blue, they go along so well with your coat!" My mother praised me.

I started to purr in happiness. "Thank you mom."

"She can see already! No fair!" My brothers started to whine.

"You'll get your turn soon little ones... Now back to sleep." She licked their faces. I snuggled back into her warm belly and fell into a deep sleep.

I flinched and woke up as a yelp left my mouth. Someone had a hold of my scruff and were carrying me away.

"Mother! Help!" I cried to my calico mom.

She woke up and yowled in protest. "Give me my baby back!" They couldn't understand her. Her yowls woke up the people we lived with, but it was too late... I was already out the window.

I awoke... again. This time I was in a cold dark room. I cried out for Mother, but she wasn't here, no one was.

I jolted to my feet as the heavy door opened with a bang. In came a man with something in his hands. I couldn't recognize it.

He grabbed my scruff and walked me to a bright white room. In it was a man wearing a long white coat. He pulled out a needle.

"Let me go! No!" I cried, though they knew not my words. They slammed me into a table and spoke in human tongue. Next thing I knew I was given a shot.

The man dragged me back to my room and tossed me in.

I screeched in pain. My whole body burned. When it became too much I passed out.

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