Chapter 10

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Steve was worried sick. It's not like he knew she was listening. At first he thought Tony was joking until he saw Amber running away. What made it worse is the fact that it was raining. In a way it was cruel. She was found in the rain and now lost in it and he looked all over the tower. Until JARVIS said that she left. He couldn't believe it. She could be in danger now!

To make matters worse, he already has to convince Tony to let Bucky stay with them. And the Maximoff twins are coming back from a mission. (Yes Pietro is alive, sue me!) Amber running away just adds to the stress. He immediately ran outside calling for her.

He wandered for an hour now, looking, calling, and wondering where she could be. He was so scared. He couldn't lose his fur baby over such a small thing. But as it would seem, he already did.

Tony looked at him and stated, "Come on Capsicle... I'll let you bring Bucky...," he frowned, "it's the least I can do."


Amber left the tree's a while ago, looking for shelter from the rain. While running she found an abandoned building in the bad side of New York. She didn't think twice before rushing in. It was eerily quiet. She jumped at every little creak. Until she heard one pair of footsteps.

"H-hello?" She spoke in cat. She saw a gray sturdy cat appear out of nowhere. He looked hungry As if he were a stray.

"You look like a kitty-pet, why are you here? Who are you?" His eyes glinted with exhaustion. " I'll tell you first, I am Graystripe and I am from Thunderclan." He grimaced.

"I-I am Amber... what is Thunderclan? " I asked.

He smiled, "It is my home, do you have a home?" I frowned.

"Not anymore..."

"Well.... then you can come with me. Firestar is a really good leader. I'm sure he'll love you!" He looked strangely excited. I suppose I could trust him. He doesn't seem bad...

I teared up. "Thank you..." I suppose I could go with him.

              ---------- time skip------------

A few days had passed and I met his mate Millie. We had gotten far away from the tower and New York. He told me wonderful stories about the clan and Firestar. I loved hearing about everything. Except how their forest was destroyed. But deep down I missed my friends. I think Graystripe and Millie could tell too. One day he asked me.

"Amber, who is it you're missing so much?" He seemed curious.

I decided to tell him about myself. Though I admit I was scared.

"I have a long story. You might want to sit down, both of you." I told them how I was kidnapped and experimented on. Then I told them my ability to speak and understand human language, or as they call them,  twoleg language.

"That's impossible, no cat can understand, no less have a conversation with twolegs." Millie stated.

"Actually I can." I spoke in human tongue. To say they were shocked was an understatement.

"Wow..." they were at a loss for words.

           ------------time skip-------------

We had met a cat who told us of cats living by a lake in clans. So we headed that way, for a while we rode a truck.  We even crossed the lake on a fallen tree, before I smelt dozens of cats. Slowly we entered a clearing full of cats, who all looked in our direction with hostility. Until one fiery orange tabby came up and recognized Graystripe.

When all was said and done. We all headed to the Thunderclan camp. They seemed weary of me and Millie, though I guess wild cats wouldn't really like house ones. The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Steve and the Avengers. I really missed them. But I can't go back now.

"So, where do you come from? I'm brambleclaw just so you know. " A tom cat came up to me.

"I come from a place called New York. It has millions of twolegs there, I ran away though." I looked down. I still can't stop thinking about Steve. Why would Tony do that to me? I just don't know. Why can't I just forget him...

"I don't know how anyone can stand being that close to that many twolegs." He frowned. I did too. I decided not to tell him that I understand and can speak human. He would kick me out, and he seems to be second in command.

When we arrived at camp, they led the three of us to a den to sleep in. I guess I'm going to have to learn to hunt. Though according to Graystripe I am old enough to be an apprentice, as I am 7 months old. After all, I spent 6 months with Hydra... I need to forget everything.

I wonder if Steve missed me, no shut up brain.  I refuse to think about him. I just need to sleep.


It had been a week now. Steve was suffering. Tony could clearly see it. The maximoff twins were back and bucky was here too. But still he missed her. I asked Jarvis if there was any way to find her.

"Well sir, didn't you microchip her, and put a tracking device?" Jarvis spoke. I froze. Ugh I'm so stupid!

"STEVE!! I know how to find her!" I screeched. He ran to me in seconds. I smiled at him. "I put a tracking device in her when we got her! We can find her."

"Tony... get your butt over there and find her!!" He smiled, he had hope now.

"Sir yes sir!" I saluted to Steve. When I got to the computer and searched her up, she was so far!! Somewhere by a lake. I smiled. "Found her... let's go get her."

Sorry it took so long. I hope no one is too annoyed. I added some warriors to this. Don't worry though. It won't be long. Muahaha!

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