Chapter 9

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It was late in the night when I heard a strange sound. Creeping out of the bed, but looking back to make sure Steve was safe, I left out my cat door and into the hall. When I got into the darkness of the kitchen i saw glowing blue eyes.

I heard a loud laughter stem from the direction of the mysterious eyes. They started flickering between blue and green. I heard a cry for help and nearly jumped out of my fur. I whipped into the direction the cry came from, and when I turned back around, the eyes were gone.

I could feel every fur of my back on end. Every creak of the tower and the eeriness of the air conditioner was heard in the silence.

"Boo!" I screeched. The creature with the flickering eyes grabbed me by the throat. It's body hidden in the shadows. Slowly it walked forward until I could see every detail in his face. He had long black hair and wore a suit much like Thor's. But despite how near I was to death, I couldn't hate him.

In his eyes I could see a deep sadness. Much like how I felt when I was with Hydra. Of course I couldn't help myself but to say a few words before I would die.

"You're not alone... Loki." The sentence left my throat so smoothly it was like it was planned. But those words weren't my own and neither was my voice. Though it sounded like me, it couldn't have been. I didn't have a clue who he was. A tear fell from his eye, and I could feel myself fading.

"Am....b...ber...Amber!" I jumped awake, my eyes darting around in a panic. When my orbs landed in Steve I felt relief flow through me. I was safe and alive. But an uneasiness flowed through my veins. Who was Loki? How did I know his name? Why was he plagued with such a great sadness? I couldn't stop the onslaught of questions from hitting me.

I looked up at Steve and saw worry in his facial features. I meowed at him and he relaxed.

"You scared me Amber. It was just a nightmare." He smiled at me and scratched between my ears, causing me to purr loudly.

"We have to get up Amber, I need to make breakfast!"

Later that day I was prancing towards the kitchen when I heard a gasp and the sound of glass shattering. I snuck towards the corner wall and watched with a bad feeling in my tummy.

"You're lying Tony...." I couldn't hear very well but it sounded like Steve was distressed!

I nearly screamed when I heard his next words.

"Amber... she can talk? She's been... lying?!" I felt fear strike my heart when I heard Steve say those words Tony had lied. He didn't protect my secret and know I have to leave.

I turned around and ran away from the kitchen.  When I reached the elevator it automatically opened for me. I jumped up and tapped the button on the bottom. The lobby. When the doors opened I ran out the front doors and into the outside. I ran as far and as fast as I could until I reached Central Park. I climbed the tree closest to me and I sobbed.

Steve knows. Tony told him the truth. He must hate me now. I bet he doesn't even care that I'm gone. He would've noticed by now. I'm sorry... I never meant for you to find out this way.

I clung to the branch and shivered. The wind was going to kill me it was so cold. Suddenly I heard a clap of thunder and a flash of lightning struck. In seconds I could feel the rain hitting me. I had never been more terrified in my life! I wish I was home.  Safe and warm in Steve's bed right now. Snuggled up by his chest

If only he didn't find out. I know he hates me. He must. I miss him so much...

And there you have it. The new chapter. Poor Amber! I wonder what that dream was about? I'll be updating more. If you have any ideas for the book you can pm me and I'll see if it would work in my book! If I do use your ideas I'll tag you in the chapter! I look forward to hearing from you!

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