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I slowly opened my eyes and immediately noticed I was on a little fluffy blanket. I felt so warm and cozy compared to that cell. The blanket was carefully placed over my fur to keep from upsetting my wounds.

That's when I noticed my wounds were bandaged up, they were wrapped not too tight and not to loose. I smelt something I haven't ever before and slowly got up.

The smell made my stomach rumble and growl at me. So, I got up onto my paws and slowly, painfully, got to the edge of the blanket. Crawling off, I walked towards the smell.

"Steve, can I please have some!" A man with a beard stated. He was whining badly.

"I'm not giving you my food, Tony." Steve, the man who saved me, said.

I meowed to get their attention. I'm hungry...feed me! Tony turned his head very slowly until his eyes landed on me. I started to back away, thinking of what hydra did in those 2 months.

"Steve, what is that thing doing in here?!" He stated shocked and disappointed.

"I found 'that thing' in the storm last night. She got sucked down the gutter and she was bleeding, plus her ribs are showing."Steve stated matter of factly.

Steve came over and picked me up, cradling me in his arms.

I meowed at him for food, begging him to understand me. And he did.

"Come on lets get some food in your belly." Steve cooed to me.

"She gets your food, but not me!" Tony whined. Ha he was jealous.

Steve set me down on the counter and a minute later brought me some meat. I ate it happily and filled my tummy. Then I realized I shouldn't have ate that fast. I haven't eaten in 3 days and even so I only ate a small piece of bread.

I ended up barfing. All over the floor.

"EWW! Steve, clean that up!" Tony screamed.

"What's all this yelling about?" A woman with red hair asked.

"Steve got a cat and it puked on the floor!" Tony screamed, again.

"Why does she look so malnourished?" She seemed curious.

"I found her in the gutter during the rain storm, so I took her in." He smiled. "She's cute isn't she!" Yup he loved me.

The Avenger's KittenWhere stories live. Discover now