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I opened my eyes to a bright light shining through the doorway. They left the door open! I've been here 6 months already and I'm finally free!

I slowly got up and, muscles aching, creeped to the door. When I got out the door, I saw no one was there and it was dark.

While running I noticed a bloody gun on the floor, creeped out I walked on very slowly, till I heard a gunshot behind me.

"005 has escaped! I repeat 005 has escaped!"

Turning, I ran down the hallway to a smashed window. I quickly and quietly jumped through the broken glass, getting a few cuts. But it was worth it all to escape.

I ran as fast as I could through the street. And I would've made it had it not been raining. The streets started to flood and I was swept up in a current. It was too powerful to fight against.

All of a sudden I noticed where the water was going. I fought with all my weak body could fight. But it didn't matter. Suddenly, I was swept into the gutter.

"Help! Please, help me!" I cried in human tongue. Footsteps, someone was coming, a woman.

"Poor child, how did you get down there, quick grab my hand!" I reached my paw up, but when she felt it, she screamed and ran away.

I stopped talking in a human voice and cried like a cat would. I yowled until my voice hurt. Please help me...
The wind howled and pushed at my frail body, shoving me deeper into the gutter. I was losing my grip. All of a sudden a bright light shined down the gutter and into my face.

"Aww, poor thing, let me help you." The buff blond said. He got down on his knees and reached in to grab my scruff and pulled me out. "You're bleeding!" He widened his eyes.

I felt so weak in his arms. So I leaned against his chest and closed my eyes. Disappearing into the darkness and feeling safe for the first time in a while.

The Avenger's KittenWhere stories live. Discover now