Chapter 5

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Steve eventually gave up on getting my blood and we left the lab. A few good scratches can change anyone's mind. I just hope he forgives me. I only hurt him cause I love him. And I don't ever want him to leave me.

He was still carrying me when we reached hi- our room.

"I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong." Steve stated. I just meowed in return and hopped out of his arms.

Its okay, you don't understand. I waited for him to turn on the TV since we weren't going anywhere today. When he layed down I hopped onto his chest and layed on him. After about an hour of watching TV we left the room for lunch.

We walked into the room to see another buff blond eating from a box that said pop tarts. Tony was also in the room, eating a sandwich. Steve walked up to the table and set me down on it.

"No cats on the table, Steve." Tony said. I made a show of slowly sitting down on the table, just to bother him.

"Why not, shes clean." Steve asked him.

"Did you give her a bath?" Tony took another bite of his food.

"No, she bathes herself." He defended me. Go Steve.

"That's why she can't sit on the table, she licks her butt and then licks everything else. She's dirty." I hissed at him. I'm not dirty! But alas, he couldn't understand me.

Steve kissed my head and put my wet food in a bowl. I jumped off the table and walked over to my food bowl. As I started eating the buff blonde came over and picked me up by my scruff.

"What is this little creature?" The stranger spoke.

"She is a baby cat, Thor, be careful with her." Steve replied in a worried tone.

He eventually patted my head and put me back down.

"She is amazingly soft." Thor praised me. Thank you. I purred.

I went back to eating my wet cat food. It tasted pretty good to me. Thor bent down and continued to pet me until he got bored. He eventually walked away to who knows where.

When I finished my food I made sure Steve knew. I jumped on the table and meowed at him.

"See Steve, now she has the dirty habit of climbing onto the table!" Tony wasnt too happy. Oh well, I was.

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