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After the incident in the kitchen, Steve brought me to a large bed in a red, white, and blue themed room. I guessed this must be his room.

He placed me down with care of my injuries and turned on a screen with black and white people talking. Must be a tv. He laid down on the bed next to me and scratched my head.

"After some snuggling I'll go buy some things for you, okay?" He asked me like I would answer, and he smiled. Maybe I could trust these people, even Tony. I hope I'm not wrong. Though Tony does seem untrustworthy.

Soon the repetitive motion of Steve rubbing my head pulled me to a peaceful sleep.

----------------- Time Skip ------------------------
I stood up as Steve entered the room. When did he leave? I wondered. He had his arms behind his back, hiding something. I backed away carefully.

"Its okay, kitty.... I should name you... Hmmm... Amber it is!" He seemed proud of himself to come up with my new name. "Come here Amber!" He cooed.

I decided to humor him and come closer. He pulled out cat treats and toys all for me. Why? I thought. I'm not important. He lifted the string and immediately I stared. Why I was staring I wouldn't know. I wanted that string, no I NEEDED it.

The second he wiggled that string I pounced. But he moved it before I could touch it. I meowed. Give me the string! I jumped and I cought it! I attacked that string and tore it from his grip, dragging it under the bed.

"Amber, come out I have something for you~" I peeked out and saw he was shaking the bag of treats. Once he opened the bag, the smell hit me. I MUST have a taste. I started meowing non-stop. "Okay Amber, I'll give you some." He smirked.

I jumped onto the bed and made a pouty face. He gave in and put a treat on the pillow. I scarfed it down. It was better than meat. He gave me two more then put the bag up. I begged for more.

"You can't have anymore Amber, you could get sick." I guess he was right, I'll just go to sleep then. He said he'd be back and took some clothes to the bathroom. After a few long minutes he came back without a shirt on. He turned off the light and hopped in bed, pulling me to his chest, and fell asleep. I watched him sleep peacefully before closing my own eyes. Today was a good day.


Sorry for the long wait. I had schoolwork. Also sorry it's so short

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