Chapter 8

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Later in the day when I walked past Tony, I meowed in greeting. He looked at me wearily. Strange... I stared at him till he looked away.

Ha, the power of my stare. Honestly I felt better after our talk this morning. I feel like he actually cares. Can you believe that? Anyway. He walked past me and I walked past him. Nothing suspicous about it. Until I felt him grab my scruff.

"You seem suspicious today, Amber!" I froze. I wiggled and meowed, trying to escape. It was no use. "You think you can get into my head!"

I scratched him and he dropped me. I ran away. I ran as fast as I could and jumped into a window. But as I leaned against it. It opened. No! I screamed. Oops.

I was left dangling holding onto the window with just my two paws.
I cried out in fear. I meowed and meowed but no one could hear me. I didn't want to die. That is how I justify this.

"Help me! Somebody please! I'm going to die!" I heard footsteps and I saw Tony! He took one look at me and ran closer. He grabbed my scruff and pulled me up.

"I knew you could talk! Explain!" Tony screeched.

"Be quiet! I'll explain once we go somewhere more private."

We walked into Tony's room and he sat down with me on the bed.

"Heres the deal, you don't tell anyone about this, okay? Okay. I was just a kitten when I was catnapped from my own home. My mother couldn't save me. My brothers died from the experimenting. But I survived. The people who hurt me had the symbol of an octopus." I explained.

Tony gasped, "hydra!" He picked me up and hugged me. "I promise they can't hurt you, but we have to tell Steve!"

"No! He wouldn't understand. He would hate me!" I cried.

Tony sighed, "I won't tell him."

"Thank you." I was so relieved. It felt good that someone knew the real me.

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