Chapter 6

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Me and Steve left the kitchen after I angered Tony. I started licking my butt on his table, right in front of him. His face had been priceless.

Clearly I was a pretty funny cat! Not to him of course, I know I should be kind to him since it is his house... or is it a building? But I think it's too late for that. I peed in his shoes that he left by the dining room. He isn't going to be happy. Hehe.

Steve finally reached our room... But right when he set me down, he got up and left. Closing the door behind him. At first I waited patiently for 2 hours doing whatever I could to entertain myself. Eventually I got bored. But then it got worse.

What if he left me? Is he coming back?! Please dont leave me here alone!!! I cried at the door meowing as loud as my voice could get. No one answered. I clawed at the door. My voice was now hoarse from all my yowling, yet I could hardly care.

For a second I almost thought about talking... But I decided against it. I choked back a sob, since I could speak I can obviously cry. But cats can't cry so I can't. I struggled trying not to cry and eventually began to mew for help again.

I heard the door knob turn and immediately quieted down. Who could this be? Is it Steve! The door opened to reveal an annoyed Tony. He looks pissed!

"ONE TIME! Steve leaves and after one hour you're crying!" He yelled. His face getting more red. "I went through an hour of your screeching! I should just throw you back onto the streets!"

Suddenly Steve walked in, he had heard everything.

"What do you mean throw her out." He stated very calmly.

Tony turned towards him. "Do not leave your cat alone... If this happens again, she is out!" He stormed off.

"Amber Rogers! Are you okay... I'm sorry I left you. I just went to a resteraunt for lunch." He cooed.

I meowed in return it was now 2:38 I read as I glanced at the clock. I layed on the bed, going into a deep sleep.

Sorry for the long wait... Life and all. Be honest should I continue this?

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