Chapter 7

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I was screaming. But no one was there to hear. They left me... They all did. All alone I sat in the darkness, the demons taunting me. I'll never be normal. Never...

I awoke with a jolt wanting to cry. But that's not a normal cat thing so I sucked it up. I knew I was going to be sad for the rest of the day, when I had to drag myself out of bed.

I already knew I needed to get up. Steve would wake in 15 minutes. He had Tony install a doggy door in his door. I left through that and headed to the kitchen.

When I arrived I saw tony sitting at the bar drinking. I meowed and climbed onto said bar. I sat in front of him and meowed. Rubbing my head against his chest. I needed comfort. He appeared to be weirded out and happy at the same time.

He must not be used to my kind side. I have been rather mean to him after all.
I should try to be nicer to him.

"To what do I owe your affections, Miss Amber?" He slurred, he was clearly drunk. But he was petting me and that's all I needed. Maybe because he was drunk he wouldn't remember if I talked.

" I'm scared... I'm scared that if everyone finds out I can talk they'll leave me to die. But I love everyone here. Please don't abandon me!" I started crying.

He looked shocked but since he was drunk he got over it quickly.

"Even though I'm harsh to you, I still love you Amber." I felt my heart warm at those words and I relaxed. He wasn't so bad after all.

I went back to meowing to make him believe it was all in his imagination. Secretly glad I talked to him. Although I never would talk to him if he were sober. It was still nice.

"It must've been my imagination," he slurred, "I should let up on drinking so much." Satisfied with my success I walked away to head back to Steve's room. To see him when he wakes.

Suprisingly I was only with Tony about ten minutes. So I had around five minutes to await Steve's alarm. Completely forgetting about my nightmare.

Thank you for reading and waiting for me to update. I hope you liked this cute Tony and Amber scene. Don't forget to comment, I love to read them!

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