Chapter 11

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I woke up to Graystripe prodding me with his paw. "Amber, Firestar is calling a meeting. We have to go." I stood up and followed him out. It seemed that the meeting already started.

First he welcomed Graystripe back then kept Millies name the same. When it came to me, he asked if I wanted my name changed. I didn't know if I wanted to change my name. I mean, Steve named me, but I wanted to forget my past.

"Yes. I would like my name changed." He nodded at me.

"Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she is. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on she will be known as Forestpaw, for she is no longer a kitty-pet."

He was reaching down to touch noses with me, when we all tensed up. There was a sound of rockets. And I immediately knew it was Tony. Who else would it be?

He landed right behind all the gathered cats. They all turned around. For a second there was silence. Until Tony's mask opened up. The cats started running around in panic. Going to protect the kits and elders.

He just calmly walked up to me and bent down. Firestar still beside me.

They looked at each other and Tony looked toward me. "Amber, I know they can't understand me, but you can. Tell them you're leaving." I grimaced. Guess the cats will know my secret now and I've only been here a day.

"No. You lied and betrayed me." I venomously spoke in human tongue. "Plus Steve hates me. This is where I belong. Right here."

Every cat stopped and gaped at me speaking human.

Firestar walked up to me and spoke, "Forestpaw, you can speak their language?" He looked deep in thought.

"Yes... but I can't go back with him! He betrayed me! I don't want to leave!" I started shaking. I was so afraid to go back home. So afraid.

"I won't make you go back. You are already here. " I smiled.

"Thank you..." he touched my forehead with his nose and I felt something. Like maybe I belonged.

"Tony, look at all of them. They are scared of you, I think you should leave. I belong here, with them. Not with people, I'm sorry." I felt a tear roll down my furry cheek.

His mouth dropped open and he scrambled to speak. "Amber,"

"My name is Forestpaw now." I corrected him.

"...Steve," I cut him off immediately.

"No, he doesn't love me anymore, just leave. Now..." I turned away and he breathed in like he was about to speak. Until I heard his rockets come on and he left.

I collapsed onto the dirt. I felt empty. Surely they would hate me now too.

Everyone started talking amongst each other and I just tuned them out. They started shouting and I heard someone come up to me. It was Firestar.

"Forestpaw, everyone has talked and, it's best if you don't stay. I'm sorry. You don't belong here. If you stay twolegs could come find and hurt us. You should go." He dipped his head. I could feel tears filling my eyes. But he was right. They wouldn't be safe.

"I'll go... sorry for bothering you." I ran as fast as I could through the forest. I didn't know where I was going, but I knew, I didn't have a home.

"WHY!!!" I screamed out into the forest. I continued on. I started backtracking the way I had come with Graystripe and Millie. I didn't know where I was going, but I decided I would head back to New York.

"Aye, look what we have here." I heard a human male say. "She would be perfect for Hydra's new serum!" He reached down and snatched me up super quick. Before I had a chance.

I screeched. No I don't want to go. Not again! I clawed and scratched and bit. But soon I was growing weary. I felt a needle stab into my neck, before something was injected. I could feel myself falling asleep. Again. It felt like I was going to die.

I was back again in the tower. But it was dark. When I turned around I saw those flickering eyes. I remembered the name i spoke of last time... Loki! But who is he?

I slowly walked closer to him. His eyes following me the whole time. Until I stopped in front of him. He reached down and picked me up. Suddenly I felt a freezing chill, everywhere he touched me. When I saw his eyes they were a ruby red, and his skin a deep blue.

I smiled at him and said once again, "you're not alone... Loki."


I found some time to write this! Why do you think she is dreaming of Loki? Don't forget to leave feedback! I love reading your comments.

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