Chapter 12

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That's what I felt like when I woke up. When my memories came back to me, I panicked. Not here again!!!! Please no... I looked around me and saw I was in a small cage. Even smaller than my old one.

I looked up when I heard footsteps nearing. What I saw made my blood run cold. It was the same scientist from before! I could tell that he recognized me too.

"005, you shouldn't have run away," he grinned maliciously, "now you will pay!" He reached in and snatched me by my scruff. So I started struggling.

"Let me go, you evil man!" I screeched.

He cackled, "Never again... my biggest success." He continued walking in a random direction. I wish I was home, safe, with Steve.

We reached a room and entered. Right away he strapped me down on a table. My struggles were useless. I could only imagine what he was going to do to me.

He grabbed a syringe filled with this glowing 'serum'. When I felt a prick in my neck and knew he had given me the shot. I wished he hadn't. I felt so dizzy.

Suddenly I felt a searing pain. All of a sudden my bones started cracking and popping. Rearranging their place.

The evil madman was just watching with glee. He cackled. In seconds I was a female human. I was wearing clothes that matched my calico fur on my real form.

Sick. Shocked. Those are the things I felt.

"005, change back, now." He had a sharp look in his eye.

"I-I don't know how." I wailed.

"Imagine your form and hurry, or I'll get mad!" He grinned.

I imagined my cat form and how much I wanted to go back and I did.

"Good, shift back human."

"No." My words echoed eerily throughout the room.

"Shift now or I'll punish you." I shifted back into a human.

He snatched a handful of my hair and walked out the door, across the hall. The last door on the right.

Upon entering I saw whips and chains and all kinds of torture methods. I felt true fear enter my system in a flood. He chained me up and started slowly looking at the items.

Until he found one he liked.

              ----------time skip-----------

He left me hanging there, tired, hungry, and in pain. He had cut me and electrocuted me with a sharp electric stick. It hurt. I hurt. I wondered when Ste- no, he would never come back for me. I'm doomed here forever.

As the days passed I gave up any form of hope I had. I wished he would kill me rather than keep hurting me. I wanted to die.


Steve was looking at the newest Hydra building on the map. That area seemed familiar. Then it clicked.

Steve called Tony over, "Tony, isn't that where Amber's tracker led?!" He felt worried. She couldn't have been caught. She just couldn't.

"Shit..." Tony whispered.

Steve Rogers started suiting up. "Tony, tell everyone to suit up... we're coming Amber!"

Natasha carefully landed the jet and Steve walked out looking badass. Seriously. 

"Let's go guys, let's save Amber!" Steve found he was terrified of what he might see.

They bursted in after Tony blew open the doors. It was only Clint, Natasha, Tony, Bruce, and Steve there. Of course Banner was guarding the jet. But they could kick some butt.

The soldiers started firing at them. They took them all down one by one.
When Steve reached the last man, he asked him one question.

"Where is the little calico cat... answer me!" The man pointed down the hall, so Steve ran down it, and reached the last door on the right.

He saw a girl with Black and orange hair, hanging on chains. She looked so badly beaten up. He felt so bad, he ran to undo her chains. When she saw him she gasped.

"Steve..." she started crying.

Amber Pov.

"Steve..." I started crying. I couldn't believe he actually came for me!

"How do you know my name?" He seemed suspicious.

"Steve it's me... Amber..." I smiled I hoped he would believe me. I could only hope.

I am sorry my dear readers, I was extremely busy. I will update Fridays, though I will see you in a longer, better chapter, Friday. Love ya guys!


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