Chapter 4

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I woke up and stretched, I had a good feeling for today. As Steve got up I meowed, not wanting him to leave me behind again.

"You want to come to training with me, Amber?" He gave me an award winning smile. "Sure, you can tag along!"

I mewed happily. He picked me up and walked with me to the training room, where he set me down on a table, and got a punching bag. He clipped it on and started punching the poor bag to death.

After 5 punching bags another man and Natasha, the redhead, came in. They greeted Steve and I learned the males name was Clint.

"Who's this, Steve? I haven't seen her or him before." He sounded funny.

"Her name is Amber, she is my new kitten." Steve made a show of grabbing under my armpits and lifting me into the air above his head. "See I know references like The Lion King!" He seemed proud of himself.

I wiggled to get his attention, being held like that was uncomfortable for me. Though he must of liked doing it. Please put me down! Soon he put me on his shoulder and let Clint and Natasha pet me. Then he left the training room.

Where are we going now? He continued to walk on then got in the elevator. He went up a few floors and walked out and through a door. He walked into a... LAB!!! No! Not today.
I dove off his shoulder, but he caught me!

Please, no! Not again! I wiggled and struggled to escape, but he was too strong for me. It was hopeless. Soon my weak body could fight no more. And I gave up... I thought I could trust you...

"What's wrong Amber? I'm just getting you checked up by Dr. Banner." He smiled warmly. "I would never hurt you."

He carried me to a metal table in front of a nervous looking man. Must be Banner. He came and did a body check up. He said I was okay. And then he tried to take my blood. He said he was going to test it. What if he sees what Hydra did?!

I meowed like my life depended on it. And my life did. They could abandon me if they found out.

"Amber calm down!" Steve shouted. But I wasn't going to go down without a fight.

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