°Chapter Three°

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"Hey....wake up". Who is that...?. I groaned and turned to the other side of my bed. "Sugar"

The fuck?!

"What?", I mumbled, not caring what I sounded like. But I was sure it was nothing sweet.

"Time for school sugar".

This isn't a dream.

I opened my eyes and turned lazily towards the voice. The first thing I noticed were a set of blue eyes staring at me with amusement.

And then I gasped. I jolted up from my bed, grabbed the item closest to me and threw it at him. Carl dodged it immediately and burst into laughter.

"How dare you!", I screeched. "I'm sorry", he apologized between laughs. "Your mom asked me to wake you up", he added.

"Mom!!!", I whined out loud and earned more laughter from him. "Looks like you're wide awake", he said before exiting my room with a smirk.

And oh...those dimples.

Shut up Alex!!

I took my bath angrily, dressed up grudgingly and stomped downstairs to the dining room to meet mom and Carl there. He was serving plates of hotdogs and spaghetti on the table, while mom did the dishes.

"Mom!", I yelled. "Praise the heavens, she's awake by six in the morning", mom teased with a smirk, which I found not-so-funny.

"Why do you choose to embarrass me ma!?", I whined stubbornly and noticed Carl smiling.

"Oh shut up girl", she dismissed.
Carl sat by me with his dimpled smirk and passed me my food. "I'm sorry. I'll try a different method next time", he said with an apologetic smile which I completely fell for.

There will be a next time?!!

"It's alright", I mumbled under my breath and looked away.

It's hard to stay mad at someone so adorable.

"I'm not hungry", I lied before standing up. Mom looked at me, shock evident on her facial expression. "You're always hungry in the morning", she pushed.

"Well I'm not today. I'm going to school.", I said before walking out.

Okay I'm so friggin hungry. But I can't look at Carl longer than two seconds without my mind wandering some place else.

"Stupid Carl", I muttered.


"You have to introduce me!", Kate squealed. "No", I deadpanned.

"Why?, Because I'll act like a total fan girl?"
"Yes", I deadpanned again and she glared at me.

"I won't!. I just want to see your bf", she smirked and winked at me. "Okay...", I started before dropping my chicken on my plate. "First, never wink at me. If you love and need your eyes. Never.", She narrowed her eyes at me.

"And second, he is not by bf", I added and earned a 'seriously' look from her while I chowed down my chicken.

"Okay.....why are you eating like you haven't eaten all day?", She asked while staring at my now naked chicken drumsticks. "Cause it feels like I haven't eaten all day", I replied between a full mouth.

"Hey guys", we both turned to see Tony. He gave Kate a light kiss on her lips before sitting by her. "Hi", she smiled.

"Still hate me Sugar?", My nose flared up at that name and I threw my chicken bone at him. "Yes I do", I replied and he laughed.

"Don't call me that", I warned. "Hey hey no need to fume. Just joking", I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you hate me?", He asked. "I don't hate you Tony. I just think it's pathetic to confess through a math text book".

"Wait that's it?!", He asked in shock. "Yes", I shrugged. "Seriously!", He exclaimed and I smirked.

"Well I'll leave you two love birds to your tête a têtes" I teased before grabbing my jacket. "We'll see you after school then?", Kate asked and I nodded.


"No", I breathed out as I stared at the scene before me. Students gathered by the schools parking lot, looking at the person leaning against a black car.

This person I recognised. His dimpled smile appeared the second his eyes caught mine and he waved.

"Is that....?", Kate trailed off and raised a brow at me. "Yes it is", I sighed.

Looking hot as always.

He wore blue jeans, a white tee and a blue jacket. His hair looked ruffled and so soft.

I walked towards him with Kate and Tony behind me. "What are you doing here?, You're causing a scene.", I whisper yelled.

"What sort of scene?", He smirked, earning a glare from me. "The type of scene that screams 'pretty guy here! Come look'", he chuckled at this and looked behind me at the students staring at us and whispering.

"I am pretty", he shrugged and I rolled my eyes.


"I came to pick you up", he announced. "And to apologise for this morning", he added. "This morning!?", Kate and Tony yelled at the same time.

"Um.....who are -"

"The girl is my friend", I cut him off. "Hey!", Tony yelled. "Oh", was all Carl said. "Well....um....am I forgiven?", He asked as he grabbed my hand softly in his.

I gasped at his touch and immediately pulled out my hands. "Y- yes", I stuttered, looking any where else but at him.

I heard him chuckle and the sound of the door to the sexy car open. "Get in". I looked at the car and back at him. I wanted to ask questions. Like where the hell did you get that car! It's not mom's...but it looks like dad's.

But I mentally slapped myself to prevent that. "Bye gal!", Kate said with a goofy grin before running away with Tony.

"Stupid Kate", I muttered.

I sighed before getting into the car and waited for Carl to get in. Once he did, I turned my gaze to the window and avoided looking at him throughout the drive, whilst my hand tingled from his touch.


Aaaaaaaaand that's it for chapter three!!

Hope y'all enjoyed this one too.

Thanks for reading!


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