#Chapter Sixteen#

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"Okay, I'll have a coke, and one burger.", Kate said and glanced over at her boyfriend.

"I'll have the same", Tony informed with a small smile.

"Fine", I sighed and followed after Carl who started walking towards the hotel. "Take your time!!!", Kate yelled after us and I took a deep breath in, resisting the urge to throw something at her.

I'm alone with Carl.

"I did not see that coming", he sighed and I smiled. "Me neither.", I admitted.

They made us think they were 'weak' players and ended up hitting hard when we least expected.

In summary, they won. And the losers had to get refreshments for the winning team.

We entered the hotels mini restaurant and noticed that it was empty.

Well the hotel just opened.

We walked towards the waiter behind the counter. "Um...hi, can we get Two cokes and two meat hamburgers....", I trailed off, "you know what, make that four for both", I added and the waiter nodded before getting to work.

"Feels empty ordering food in an empty restaurant", Carl said looking around the place and I giggled.

"But feels free", I shrugged.

"I Feel bad for the workers though, they have to stay here when no one's present to work for.", He said, almost pouting and I laughed.

"They have us don't they?", I asked and he smiled. "Yes they do."

After getting the refreshments, Carl and I decided to walk a bit around the other side of the hotel. We heard it had better view of the ocean.

It was a comfortable silence......
No it wasn't. I felt so nervous and my mind kept wandering to the thought of Carl having a girlfriend.

"Oh sugar, a guy can lie about a lot of things, except two. His body and his girl."

"So do you have a girlfriend?", I found myself asking before I could think and mentally face palmed myself after that.

"What?", He asked with a raised brow and I chuckled nervously. "No um....it's just that....you um......you said something about a girl back at the pool"

He paused at first before chuckling, "oh...that. um no...I don't have a girlfriend".

"I looked down at my feet and nodded slowly. I feel at ease....I guess.

"You don't.....like anyone?", The question must have taken him by surprise, because we were hit by silence immediately.

I mentally slapped myself over and over again for asking something so stupid.

"Actually I do", I gasped at his answer and immediately felt a sharp pain hit my ankle and the next thing I knew, the ground kept getting closer, till I stopped mid air.

"Alex...", he called out softly, worry laced in his voice. He slowly pulled me up and I winced at the pain that immediately shot through my ankle.

"Sh*t!, It's a sprain", he said before he squatted down to scan it. I winced again when he touched my ankle.

"Can you walk?", I looked down at my ankle and shrugged, "I can try".

He stared at me for a few seconds and turned his back to me, still squatted on the floor.

"Get on". My eyes widened a fraction and I shook my head frantically. "No it's okay", I blurted shakily, noticing that he couldn't see me.

"You can't walk with that ankle. Plus i need to get you back to your room and your parents.", I stared at his back, thoughts of how it would feel with me pressed against it turned me on and terrified me at the same time.

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