*Chapter Twenty Two*

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( Continuation for chapter Twenty)

"Um....I...I d- I mean..I ...maybe..."

"When did she learn to stutter?", April whisper yelled at Kate who in reply shrugged.

"Hey, Alex.....", she cooed and gently stroked my arm. "It's okay. Breathe and tell me."

I closed my eyes and immediately started to think.

If I tell her I have feelings for Carl, will she back off?

Or see me as a threat and then suddenly turn on me.....

I like the first.

"Um....yes.....", u trailed off and caught her staring at me.

"So that's why", she muttered with a small smile and I rose a brow. "Why what?", I asked, confused at what she said.

She shrugged and shook her head. "Nothing.", She replied.

"Okay....", I dragged before looking back at Kate. "And who told you?", I asked April, while my glare remained fixed on Kate.

"Oh don't blame Kate. I forced it out of her", I blinked.

"You what?, How?"

"I have my ways", she smirked.

"By the way Alex, we have a class in two minutes, so we better bounce", she informed before standing up and walking away.

"I get seriously weird vibes from her!, She's evil am shad the ability to bend people to her will!", Kate whisper yelled in one breath before breathing in and sighing.

"I get why you're freaked out. I am too. And I suspect she's up to something. But we-"

"Alex?", April yelled from the entrance of the cafeteria. "I'll be there in a sec!", I yelled back before turning to Kate.

"But we have to keep an eye on her, okay?", She nodded and I smiled before running to meet April.


"Have you told him?"

"For the third time April....no I haven't", I sighed.

April refused to let me rest after class. She found my 'love life' disturbing and mentioned continuously that I needed help.

Then, suddenly started asking if I had told Carl how I felt about him.

Like three times already!

"Has he given any sign that he feels the same way?", That question gave me goosebumps and I thought back to last night.

"I can't get you off my mind"

My heartbeat increased and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"I....think so.....", I trailed off.

Was that a sign?

Come to think of it...he has been giving a lot of signs. Like the kiss.........

Shut up Alex!!!!!

"You think so?", April asked with an 'are you serious' look glued to her face and I shrugged. "Look...", I sighed before continuing, "I really....really like him..... seriously i do. But I don't think he feels the same. There are times when I do, and then it's like reality hits me. There are so many other girls in school, some looking like Barbie dolls. He can't just pick me"

"Wow. That was a great speech. Did I mention I hate speeches?", I rose a brow at her and she rolled her eyes.

"My point is, don't think. Just tell him."

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