*Chapter Twenty Four*

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How did she...?

"Sorry...did I interrupt something?", She asked, looking between the both of us and I cleared my throat.

"Um.....what....what are you doing here?"
Smart move Alex!

"Oh!", She chirped. "I brought PLL, you know....we promised to meet up at your place."

I rose a brow. "No we didn't....we were supposed to today", I corrected and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"We were?", She asked with her index finger tapping her chin. "Well...I'm here anyways. C'mon!, Call Kate and let's do this thing!!", She exclaimed in excitement.

Carl, without another word, walked back up to his room and i sighed.

I walked into the dining room and dialed
Kate's number.

"Sup girl", she greeted. "Hey, um....can you come over to my place?", I rushed and the line remained silent. "Sure. But why?", She asked.

"April is here", I whisper yelled, and once again, the line stayed silent. "I'll be right there!", She yelled while I heard shuffling and then the line went dead.

I hope she'll be here soon.

I slowly walked back to the living room. April sat there arranging the disks. She looked.....normal, well, as normal as she could get.

Did she remember what happened at all?
"Um.... April....?", She hummed in reply, her eyes never leaving the CD's.

"Are you alright?.... I mean.....after what happened at school today?", Her smile faded and was immediately replaced with a smirk. "Sure. I'm not shaken by it at all", she shrugged.

Not shaken??, You were crying!!!

"Oh.....", I trailed off.

I heard a knock on the door, drawing my attention from April. "That must be Kate. I'll be right back", she nodded before I quickly ran to the door and swung it open.

"She's acting all chirpy again!", I hissed and Kate gasped dramatically as she tiptoed in. "How the hell did she know your adress?!", She hissed back.

"I have no f%ckin idea!, She just barged in when Carl and I -", I immediately slapped my mouth shut. Kate's eyes narrowed as a smirk grew on her face.

"You and Carl....what?", She purred and I smacked her arm. "Let's just get in", I snapped and she Chuckled. "Hold on, Tony's parking the Car", she said while she poked her head out of the door to look around.

"Tony's with you?"

"Yeah. We used his car", she shrugged, then looked out again. "Oh..he's here", she said as Tony came in with his car keys. "Hey Alex", he greeted. "Hey", I replied.

"Let's get in", I sighed and closed the door then we moved to the living room. April had already slipped in the CD into the DVD and had paused it.

"You guys take forever", she groaned childishly. "Um...... I'll go see Carl.", Tony dragged while he stared at April confused.

"Where is Carl's room?" He quickly asked and  I directed him by describing the door.

"Are we watching....", April trailed off and clicked her tongue, "...or nah?", She added as she tugged on her hair.

Kate and I shrugged before sitting by her. "No popcorn?", She whined and Kate rolled her eyes. "Your visit was unexpected, so not my fault", she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Great", April muttered with pouted lips and faced the TV.


I never thought...or even imagined Spencer having a twin!!!", Kate exclaimed with her hands on her head.

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