*Chapter Twenty One*

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I'm dedicating this chapter to Spartacus_the_geek, who suggested that I write on Carl's POV.

By the way, I love your idea Spar ;-)


I sighed, for the third time in five minutes. It wasn't easy focusing on work when all I thought about was that kiss.

I couldn't stop thinking of her, how soft her lips felt on mine.

I felt frustrated and, believe it or not, shy. I didn't know what Alex thought of me, worse, of the kiss. It was hard looking her in the eye after that.

Heaven knows that I've tried to hide my feelings for her, but it's hard to hide something you've had for eleven years.

I want to see her.

I want to talk to her.

F*ck this is killing me!

I heard a knock on the door and I quickly adjusted myself. "Come in", I called out and in came my secretary, Mrs. Grey.

"We've contacted a few of the wedding planners Mr. Ashton.", She reported before continuing, "but I'm confused.....", she trailed off.

"Go on", I beckoned and she gently sat before me. "I understand sending brochures of our products and services, but offering them discounts?, That can cause a minor loss sir".

"I understand where you're coming from Mrs. Grey, but business is not all about making money. It's about having connections and being well known wherever your business grows.", I smiled but got a rather confused look from her.

"I understand that there's a loss included.", I started, "but, not for long. You see, by doing this, we are likely to get on their preferred vendor list and that automatically gets us somewhere", I informed and she nodded slowly, probably processing all that I had said.

"I still do not get it sir, but, you are the business man here", she smiled and I chuckled back at her.

"That I am", I agreed.

"Well, I better get to work. I will see to it that we do get on that vendor list", she assured before bowing politely and exiting my office.

I sighed again and glanced over at the time.

It looks like I won't make it back home early to see Alex......

And she was the only thing I could think of.


I was already tired and so ready to kiss my bed goodnight.

Or Alex.

I could barely keep my eyes open, let alone have the strength to open the door. But hurray!! I did.

I slowly and tiredly walked into the house and just as I was about to walk up to my room, I turned to see Alex.

She stood still, her beautiful brown eyes staring back at me as mine stared back. And suddenly I felt my stomach warm up.

I always loved the feeling I got whenever she was close.

"Um.....hi..", she croaked out and I almost smiled, sensing the nervousness in her voice.

"Hi", I replied, trying to sound a little strong but failed miserably at it.

She must've sensed it because she immediately started to move.

"Um...you know what...we can talk later-"

No no no.....I want us to talk now....

"Sugar", I cut her off almost immediately and she paused.

I couldn't let the chance slip off. I had been thinking of her, every minute of the day. And I badly wanted to see her.

"It's okay", I assured, wanting to hear her talk. She paused a little.

"Um.....I want to apologise for.....um....um...well...I want to apologise....", I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips.

Because I already knew what she wanted to say. I felt the same way. And I wanted her to know I too, was sorry.

"It's okay. I avoided you too, so I'm at fault", I shrugged and she seemed relaxed at my words.
"Oh....", she breathed out and trailed off. "So.....we're...okay?", She added nervously

I couldn't say for sure that we were. I mean.....I didn't think we would be. I still felt it was unnecessary to bring up the kiss.

I wasn't sure if she felt the same way I felt about her.

I walked closer to her, all the while, our eyes staring into each other. "I don't know Alex......are we?", I breathed out.

I can't stop thinking about you......
It's a lot worse than it was when I first moved here, when I first met you.....

And now.....

"W-w-w-w-what do you mean?", She stuttered nervously and I couldn't take my eyes off of her.

"As if last time wasn't enough......now.....", I sighed. I wanted to somehow...tell her how I felt. But I just didn't have the courage to.

Will she feel the same?

I want to tell her. Yet I can't.....I so much want to tell her that....

"I can't get you off my mind", I whispered as my eyes searched hers.

She looked shocked and a lot more confused. I couldn't bare that look. I wanted her to one day look at me the way I looked at her.

I forced a smile and gently stroked her cheek with my thumb. Oh how soft they felt.

"Goodnight Sugar. I'll see you tomorrow, bright and early", I said before I quickly walked up to my room and locked the door.

If only I could tell her to her face. That I've had eyes for just one girl for as long as I could remember.

The girl who always made me smile, or act like a little trouble maker just to get her attention. The only girl that could cause the butterflies in me to stir.

I wish I was bold enough to say it.

I love you Alex. And only you.

But.......do you?


And that's all for this chapter, Carl's POV!!

How was it?, To finally find out how Carl felt about Alex, and here she thought it was impossible.

Ha! Wish I could tell her it was.

Anyways!, I'd like to thank Spartacus _the_geek again for suggesting the idea. And like I said, it was a brilliant one.

I'd really like to hear your opinion on this chapter and Carl's feelings for Alex.

Also, pls share my story to your friends, I'd really appreciate that. And feel free to vote and comment Peep's.



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