%Chapter Twenty Nine%

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"Oh creamy cheese", Kate blurted in shock as we both stared at her with wide open mouths.

"I was....a loner at nine years old. I had an over protective mother, and a busy father. I wasn't allowed to have any friends over, let alone leave the house. So I always stayed home alone, with no one to talk to, except my teddies.

Soon after, my mom died of breast cancer, and eight years later, Dad remarried. That's when I had to live with that bitch and her son Zeke.", She spat bitterly.

"She saw her son as the best, and it didn't take long for her to convince my Dad that he was. He always partied when they were gone, and always invited his friends over.

That was how I met Camila.", She croaked.

"You could say we liked each other at first. So we often hung out. It started out weird...because I had no idea how to talk to people, let alone date one.", She chuckled bitterly and sighed.

"Soon....we started to date. We would text each other, and sometimes she'd send me pictures of her nudes....and I the same. I thought it was normal. That I was 'inlove'.", She clenched her jaw in anger.

"Until one day, Zeke found out. He threatened, that if I didn't leave Camila....he would ruin me. But I didn't listen. A week later, Camila's nudes were all over the Internet."


"She blamed me. She claimed I was the only one she sent them to. I tried to reason with her. I tried to beg.....but she believed the facts. She dumped me. And it didn't take a friggin weak, she and that bastard Zeke became a couple. I was glad I couldn't see them at school . But she'd always come back home with him, and together they made my life a living hell."

"I knew it was all Zeke's doing. Yet, after a month, he broke up with her.  And I never once looked the bastard in the face. I hated him...", she scoffed, "scratch that. I hate him"

"So that's why you so much wanted to see Alex?...", she looked at Kate and nodded.

"When I heard about what had happened, I was so happy to see his face all blown up and ugly. I wanted to see who did that to the 'oh so great Zeek'", she finger quoted with an eye roll.

"So I hired a private investigator. I asked him to get me info on Alex and Carl, and everyone close to them. Including Kate and Tony. Then I asked my Dad to transfer me to your school. I was planning on meeting Carl, to thank him for doing what I couldn't do. And of course, I wanted to meet Alex.... someone who was hurt by the same bastard who hurt me"

"That's why you knew so much about all of us!!!", Kate yelled. April looked away and stroked her arms nervously.

"I just wanted to meet my heroes.....but ended up making good friends......", she trailed off and looked up at us.

"Friends I couldn't imagine losing. Friends that I never had, Friends who made me feel better with each joke and smile.....", then she looked at me. "Friends I never wanted to hurt", she breathed out.

"I knew Carl had feelings for you....and when I saw you hurting...., crying......I ...I just couldn't watch......", she croaked.

"I thought, that maybe....if I talked to him.... he'd at least listen. But that ruined everything", she choked on a sob.

Kate and I remained quiet. We stared at her as she cried into her pillow and my chest ached for her.

"You did make friends", she paused and slowly looked up at me with puffy and worn out eyes.

Kate smiled and nodded. "You did. And those friends....are people who love and forgive, no matter what"

"I doubted your actions, and I was suspicious. I was also wrong. Because you were just trying to be you.....but through the wrong way.", I said and looked at Kate.

"You do have friends", I smiled. "Friends you'll never lose, friends you never had"

"Friends who laugh and enjoy your jokes", Kate added with a chuckle and she laughed a little.

"But most importantly.......", I trailed off as I squatted and patted her head gently. "You have friends who love you dearly"

Her eyes stared up at me as tears ran down her cheek. "So don't cry April.....", Kate cooed as she sat by her. "Because when you cry, we cry....and I don't know about you...but I hate crying....and I have a mascara on right now", Kate whined and we all laughed.

We both stared at April as she cleaned her tears of her face and sighed.

"You both forgive me?, Just like that?", She sobbed and we both nodded. "Even though I lied and hid everything from you?"

We both nodded again and she smiled.

"Well.....like A once said.....", she trailed off and swung her arms over our shoulders. "I'm back bitches", she smiled and once again, we burst out laughing.

We hugged it all out too, and stayed like that for what felt like hours, giggling and gossiping. I told her about Carl and I, and she couldn't stop squealing.

She also mentioned having a little thing for the girl who noticed she and Carl locked up in the classroom.

Guess who that turned out to be?

Linsey. The same girl who overheard Zeke and I in the toilet and ran to call for help. The same girl I shared my project work with.

I had a feeling she was just meant to show up every once in a while, and soon, We'd be seeing a lot of her, since our best friend here had a little crush.

And I still couldn't get my head wrapped around the fact that she was into girls.

And here I worried over Carl and her for nothing.


"Explain", Carl ordered as soon as I entered the house with a firm and pissed off look.

Well shit!

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All this time.....thinking she was the bad guy!!

Well it's official. Zeke was born a jerk.

Can't get over how cute the girls look together!!

Yay to friendship!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Go girls!!💪💪💪💪💪💪

Who wants April and Linsey together?!!!!

I think I do...🙋🙋🙋

Lol. Thanks for reading y'all!!


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