|Chapter Eleven|

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"Are you gonna tell him?"


"Why not?"

"Cause I want to find out how he feels about me first", I shrugged and she rolled her eyes. "Just ask him and stop wasting time"

"No. I don't want to make a big fool of myself.", I sighed.

I could feel Kate's eyes on me but avoided it. I knew she wouldn't let the matter go. "Hello to the pretty ladies", Tony greeted and I slowly raised my head to look for Carl.

"Hey babe", Kate greeted back as their lips met. I raised a brow when I couldn't find Carl and looked back at Tony.

"Um.....", I started, feeling a bit unsure.

Should I ask?, Will Tony notice?

They both turned their gaze to me and I gulped. "Where's.....Carl?"

I asked!

"Oh!", Tony chirped. "He left school early. Something about a business he needed to attend.", He added before sighing dramatically.

"The guy's got guts. Managing a business at nineteen.", Kate rolled her eyes amusingly at her boyfriend.

"But wait", Tony rushed out and narrowed his eyes at me. "Why did you ask?, Do you.....", he trailed off, his eyes darting from one place to another. "....like him?"

"N-no", I stuttered.

"Yes she does. She just told me", Kate replied and I glared at her.

"What?", She shrugged.

"Oh this is great!!!!", Tony exclaimed. "Since when?!, How long?, common tell him!!"

"Stop!", I yelled, shutting him up immediately.

"Look.", I breathed out shakily. "I didn't plan on telling you two. Especially you", I glared at Tony who immediately rose his hands up in defense.

"But now, you know. So do not mention this to anybody"

I warned between gritted teeth and they both nodded.

"Good", I smiled.


"Still sexy as hell I see", I gasped and turned around to Face the voice. "You again", I sighed.

"Nice to meet you too Alex", he smirked. "I wish I could say the same.", I replied sarcastically.

"You don't have to act all tough Alex", he shrugged. "I know that you know you want me"

That literally made me want to barf.

"Says who?, You?", I scoffed.

"Don't deny your feelings Alex", I glared at him. "Fuck off Zeke", I hissed and was suddenly grabbed by the fool.

"I'll have you. One way or the other.", He smirked. "There's nothing I love more than virgins", he licked his lips.

My eyes widened a fraction as I registered his words in my head.

And I hit him.

Not a slap.


But a heavy punch.

He winced and stepped back a little. Using that opportunity, I dragged my wrist out of his grip and ran as fast as I could.

"Bitch!", I heard him curse and ran even faster.

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