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to those who are re-reading this fic, I request u to not spoil it for the new readers ! and old readers please do reread it cuz there might be some changes and to my new readers, I hope you'll have fun reading my fics !

kim mina's pov

I was on my way back home from school and as i was about to enter my house i can see like four or five cars parking in front of my house. I felt weird and started to panic and rushed inside my house and the next thing i saw made my skin go white as snow . my dear parents are lying on the floor helpless, with blood all over them. i couldn't believe the sight that i'm looking, i just started to scream as i crawled near them and looked at their tear stricked face. 

they cried.

i heard a scoff behind my back as i turned around and looked at a man, who was quite young, wearing a black suit and slicked hair with a dirty smug on his face.

"what did you do to them? who the fuck are you?!" i yelled at him as i went near him with tears hooding my eyes.

The guy who was sitting on the couch, now got up and stood next to me with some kind of papers, which looked like a contract.

"Well you know, your parents couldn't pay the money that they borrowed from me, tsk poor them and they did signed this! wow I shouldn't have killed them. im so sorry, my lady."

He showed me the contract


this contract is the proof that mr. kim sunghoon and mrs. kim rina's daughter ms. kim mina have been legally sent to the custody of mr. park jimin with their full approval.



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Mr. kim sunghoon

 kim sunghoon

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Mrs. kim rina

 kim rina

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Mr. Park Jimin

"w-what? this doesn't makes any sense at all!" i yelled as he just smiled and shaked his head.

"it does makes sense now, please be a good girl and follow me." jimin said and grabbed my wrist making me yelp.

" i -i won't come with you! i won't leave my parents!!" i screamed and tried to free my wrist from his hands.

"You have to come with me, Ms. Park Mina."

"P-Park Mina?"

"You are mine now. you can't run away from me, princess."

"n-no i won't come with you and i won't leave them!!"

"Taehyung! take them and bury them." He said as a tall guy came with two bodyguards as they lifted my parents and went outside, yelling a 'okay boss' 

"Where are you taking them!?" i yelled and tried to hit him but he was too strong.

"No yelling at me , baby do you want me to hit you? huh?  behave!"He slapped me

"P-Please leave me alone. I -I hate this." i fell to the ground as i felt a harsh sting on my left cheek  and the next thing i knew,  i collapsed to the floor, with tears streaming down my face, losing the last consciousness that was left. 


written by miri. 

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