married to him💍pt.2

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After some months...he transferred me to a  mafia school.

Yes, I couldn't say no..if I did I will be beaten by him so I stayed still and let him do whatever he wants..first it was really scary I thought no one will talk to me...I miss my friends...and the students in the mafia school they all greet me everyday...I don't know why...but maybe I'm jimin's property so they are greeting me..I thought I won't get any friends but...I was wrong...I got my very best friend...jeon jungkook...cousin of park jimin...first I thought he will be like jimin but I was wrong again....he treated me like his sister... 

"Mi Na yah~~ don't hate jimin hyung...he is a very good person.."

"Please stop telling me that jungkook...just..p-please..."

I told him while looking down he just hugged me and comforted me
"You'll see later...How jimin hyung is..."
He said and patted my head..

After 2 years it went like always..mafia school...jungkook..and Taehyung oppa and....Jimin...and I  graduated from the school and now at Mafia university....and...about jimin...

Yes, I won't talk to him that much I only hangout with tae oppa and jungkook and he doesnt seem mad about it...and after few days...he created a big...problem....

"Park Mi Na, you are gonna get married to me next friday~"
He said coldly

"W-what!??...Boss Jimin...why...just..w-why...I just graduated school and you don't even love me and why you wanna marry me!?? I yelled..yes..I broke it..the rules...i'm dead..


"Sorry..s-sorry..boss jimin.."

"Ok I'll forgive you this time cuz you are gonna be my wife...yeah..and it is considered"

"The marriage is in one week!" He said and went outside of the room

"Why..I don't marry someone who I don't love..." I rolled up in my bed let my tears out...

Just then..

Tae oppa and jungkook oppa entered my room

"Mi Na ~~ will be alright...ok? It's gonna be alright we are Here...i'm here when you need me and jungkook is here when you need him...and my mom is here..."

"Yeah..Mi's gonna be ok alright!? Everything will be..."

The both of them hugged me
"We love you Mi Na~~"

"I love you too"



Kim Mi Na POV
I was so nervous I just sit there in the dressing room after finish getting  ready....and then Aunt Kim Ra In entered...yes..Tae oppa' s mom...

"Aigoo...Uri Mi Na looks so pretty! beautiful...I'm proud of you Mi Na~"
She hugged me and tears running out from her eyes she looks like her own daughter is getting married

"Uljima~ aunt...hmm..?" I tried to control my tears and yes I did

"Arasso~let's go Jimin is waiting ~~"

Park Jimin...How i'm gonna live with you...

"O-ok...a-aunt..." I said and went out with my aunt

I saw Jimin standing on the stage...and tae oppa is waiting for me

Yes, Tae oppa...wants to take me to Jimin as a dad so he is here..

"Ready girl~?" He asked me while showing his box smile..

"Ready.." I said and I interlocked my arms with Tae oppa he takes me to Jimin..he handed me to Jimin and he took my hand...

And the priest started to talk...

"Park Jimin do you accept Kim Mi Na as your wife?"

"I Accept"

he said it...

"Kim Mi Na do you accept Park Jimin as your husband?"

The priest asked me

I looked at Jimin...he was staring at me with those killer scared the shit out of me and in the background jungkook, Tae oppa and Aunt were busy fangirling and shouting like," MI NA ACCEPT ACCEPT!"


I stared at Jimin again...

I stared at Jimin again

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To be continued ~



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