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He kissed me softly...So softly...it felt so good.....I tried to control it...but...It's of no use...I kissed him back slowly...he pulled off from the kiss and stared at me...

"You responded to our kiss..."
He said and showed me his eye smile...


I quickly get away from his grip and went towards the cupboard to take jimin's clothes and handed to him and I quickly ran off like Usain Bolt...

Jimin's pov●●
She kissed me back..she kissed me back!!! So I suddenly pulled off from her and she was blushing...I told her..
"You responded to our kiss..."
She suddenly ran to the closet and took my clothes and gave it to me and ran off.. "how cute.." I mumbled to myself and went inside the bathroom to take  a shower... after showering I went out of the bathroom and saw Mi Na searching for something...'What is she searching For?' I thought to myself and Mi Na looked at me and stared at me...she was so scared...

End of pov●●

☆Kim Mi Na' s Pov☆

After I went down I realized that my ring...is not on my finger...shitt...'where is it!?' I said to myself and I was so scared 'Jimin...what will he do...?' I quickly went upstairs and started searching it...while I was searching I saw Jimin....Only with his towel around his waist....


I quickly turned away and started panicking....Jimin Noticed it...

End of pov☆

"What is it Mi Na?"
Jimin asked me...

"I-its n-not-thing"
I was stuttering so hard shit!!

"You are hiding something from me? Tell me what is it?"
Jimin asked raising his voice a bit..

"J-Jimin..I'm s-sorry.."
I started crying

Jimin then suddenly rushed to me and hugged me...and patted my head

"What is it Mi Na ah~ Tell me...I won't hurt you..."

"J-Jimin..My r-ring..i-its gone..."


He raised his voice...I was scared to death 'what will you gonna do Jimin..'

"J-Jimin...don't hurt me please...I'll find it soon..please...don't..."

I said and started searching it and finally I realized my ring will probably fall on the grass in the garden! I quickly went down to search for it..but it is dark...

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