For You~♥️

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I woke up and I saw......

Jin next to me...

I want to see you jimin......

Suddenly he pulled me closer and whispered in my ear, " remember the deal right..?" He bit my earlobe

I flinched at his bite and he noticed it and gave a kiss on my neck

"Please...s-stop.." I stuttered as a tear rolled down my cheek

" baby wants me to stop....or....want more?" He said as his hands dangerously drawing circles on my inner thigh

"P-please..." I cried loudly

"I'll stop when you stop crying...or I'll  do...more" he said as his hands dangerously going up 

"S-stop...I'll stop crying.." I said as I calmed down

"That's good baby..." he said as he bit my neck too hard as I flinched

"Get up and take a shower baby..." he said as he went to his room

Why.....I regret it..

Coming here...


Where are you...?

Do you miss me...?


Doing this....For you...

8 hours ago

"I want to get rid of jimin..."

He said as he slapped me hard

I cried in pain as I hug my knees

He approached me

"Now let me play with you babygirl~"

He said as he came closer

"N-no n-no...p-please...d-dont..." I was still hugging my knees as I shook my head fastly and I felt something cold on my leg as I opened my eyes...

There i saw jin's cold hands on my knees

" you want your jimin to die..? Huh?" He said while smirking

I quickly loosened the grip on my knees and stared at him with my puffy eyes

"W-what d-do y-yo-u m-mean?"
I asked him

"I can kill him right now..." he said as he kissed my cheek

"G-get of me!" I yelled

"No yelling babygirl...if you tell will see jimin's lifeless body on the floor" he said as he hugged me

"W-what.. a-are you doing this to me!! Why!!?? Why don't you fight jimin face yo face!!??" I literally yelled right on his face


You are his weakness" 

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