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I woke up and saw that I was not in my room and then I realised..that I'm not there anymore and I was about to get up a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as he pulled me to him

"Good morning my love~" he said so seductively in my ear and bit my earlobe

"Good morning oppa" I said as I turned to look at him only to be find  his lips on mine as we kissed for a few seconds...

It doesn't feel how jimin kissed me...

When he kiss feels so....


And the need to kiss him back...

But...I didn't feel any electric when jin kissed me...And I didn't kiss him back

But he bit my lower lip and entered his tongue inside my mouth as I pushed him away harshly

"What's wrong?" Jin said as he tried to come near me

"It's just...oppa i-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he started to speak

"You love jimin right?" He said as his gaze fell down to his feet

"I-i don't know" I said as tears started to form

"Do you know Mi much I suffered when he killed my parents...?" He said as his expression changed as tears started to flow down from his eyes

"What d-do you mean...?" I said as I hold jin's face with my palms as I wiped his tears

"He..killed my father too...he killed him....he really ki-" Before he could finish his sentence I kissed him...

I don't know Why I did it..but I wanted to do that situation...

He kissed me back and held me tighter as he slipped his hand under my shirt and caressing my waist...

I moaned between our kiss as I felt jin's smirk...he pushed me on the bed roughly as he hovered on top of me and he kissed me again...

He started to deepen the kiss and the kiss stayed for few seconds as he pulled away for breathing and he started to attack my neck...

Why I'm feeling so guilty....

This is so wrong....

I can't do this with jin....

I can't

It's like I'm betraying....Jimin...

It's wrong....but why can't i push him...

My energy is all drained....

But I let him.....

To touch me....



I was not in my right state of mind...

My mind is confusing....

I don't know who to trust...

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