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"What do you mean?"
Jimin asked me and I realized what have I said now..


"It's nothing Jimin..let's go?"
I told him while slightly smiling

"Let's go!"
He shouted and ran and followed him back
We entered a Big house that looks like a mansion but..not as big as Jimin's house but..I had a strange feeling that we came here on our vacation

I was just staring at the house
Until someone spoke

"Yah! Park Mi Na, are you going to stare at the house till night? If you are going to do..then bye! I'm getting inside!"

Wait what.!?

"No..I'm coming!"
I yelled while I followed jimin

While we are organizing the room..I spoke up

"I definitely came here before.."
I said to myself

"What are you saying?"
Jimin asked me while chuckling

"I definitely came here before! I'm sure!"
I said

"What are you thinking? This is my house? How would you be here before?"
Jimin said while laughing

Yes,it's his house..I'm saying like crazy..maybe this is you say Deja vu?

After some hours Jimin who was sleeping woken up and told me that we should go to the beach and I got up and went to took a quick shower

I finished showering and found out that...


Such a crazy..girl..
I started to hit my head with my hand

I slowly opened the door to see Jimin is still there or not and he still does!

Ah!..What should I do? What should I do?

As I was thinking what should I do now..

I felt Jimin's intense stare on me

I quickly closed the door..

Luck this time..

He held it


"You finished showering? Then why are not coming out?"

Jimin said and tried to open the door
But I held it tighter and yelled


oops..I yelled..I'm dead

Before I could say anything the door opened revealing Jimin with his cheeks bright red because of me who was covered only by a towel around my body..


Jimin quickly closed his face and turned around continuously saying sorry..and ran away..

What was that?

I asked to myself and I felt my cheeks was burning

I fanned myself and went outside the bathroom and searched for my clothes

J I M I N ' S  P O V

What did I saw just now? Shit!! Park Jimin you pervert!! How can I face Mi Na now? Huh?? How can I?? I should apologize to her...It's better to apologize..

I was sitting on the sofa and suddenly I saw Mi Na walking to me

She said and our eyes met and she quickly saw away


"L-let's go!"

I said and walked of the house..God Why am I even stuttering!?

I took my car key and we got on the car and started to drive

The ride was silent until she broke it

"W-where are we going?"

E N D  O F  P O V
M I  N A ' S   P O V

Shit..he said it earlier..why I asked him it's even more awkward!!

"S-sorry.. you said it earlier..hehe"

"No..I changed it..we are not going to the beach.."

"Wait What? Why? Then where are we going now?"
I asked him

"You'll see"
He said and the drive became silent again

After the drive I saw the beach

"You said that we are not going to the beach..then Why are we here?"

"We are not"
He said and parked the car

"Come out"
He said and I came out

Jimin then grabbed my hand firmly not that tightly he used to grab..But this time..gently..

Where is he taking me to?

And then I saw..

Candles on the path way..

"Jimin..What is-"

He said and placed his cute small index finger on my lips..

"Just walk along the pathway..You'll find.."

I nodded and did What He told me and jimin following me behind

While I was walking through the candle pathway...I found

A cute little table with delicious foods on it and the white ribbons around the table and a Big banner with "SORRY MI NA.." on it... and it was near the beach..

I couldn't help but let out a soft cry
I felt Jimin's breath twitching on my neck and his body closer to me while he backhugged him..I didn't even realize what did I do..

I quickly turned around and hugged Jimin tightly and cry in his chest..he hugged me even tighter and patted my head

"You..bastard..when did you do all of this?"
I asked him between sobs and I..

Did I just called him bastard?

"Yah..don't..I really am sorry for doing everything to you...I'm sorry.. Mi Na....will you forgive me..?"

A tear left his eye

I couldn't help but hug him again and I nodded..

"I-I forgive you Jimin"


So..i won't say anything...I'm dead..

Kim Taehyung killed me!!

Ahh it's so Good!! Please watch THIS!! Seagulls!! ILY all!!❤❤




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