Forgiving you~♡

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I pulled away as jimin looked at me with a confused look

"GO.. a-away..p-please.." i said between my sobs

"Mi Na...forgave me..please....I won't hurt you anymore..if you won't talk to me..I'll be more hurt! Please..forgive me..You can beat me..even to death!"
Jimin said while tears are flowing from his cheeks

"Apology not accepted..." I said as I was about to get up he harshly pushed me on the bed while him on top of me..

"Please.....f-forgive me..." he said as his tears are flowing and landed on my cheeks

That made me cry even more...

"Mi..Na..that album..."

I looked at him

"I d-did-nt..wanted you to will...remind me of my..p-parents.." he said while trying not to cry

"W-what d-do..y-you..m-mean..?" I asked

"My p-parents..." he sobbed

I told him to get off me and he did what I told him and sat on the bed and I sat near him

"What about your parents?" I asked as confused as ever

"They are..n-no longer...a-alive a-anymore..." he said and tears are flowing from his cheeks

My heart broke...
To see him like this...
Seeing him that he loses his parents
And yes..I lost them cause of him...
But...why do I feel like he didn't kill my parents?

I patted his back and he suddenly hugged me tight and cried on my shoulder

I patted his hair to keep him calm

"I m-miss...t-them..s-so m-much!" He cried even more louder and his hug tightened

"He k-killed my l-loved p-parents.. my a-aunt..." he

I run my hand through his hair

"That bastard..!!I'm gonna kill him!!! KIM SEOKJIN wait and see!!" He yelled

Kim Seokjin!?? He killed his parents!? My...friend??

"Kim Seokjin!?" I asked

He loosened the grip and saw me in the eyes with his red puffy eyes

"You..k-know h-him?" He asked

" my dad's friend's son..."

J I M I N ' S   P O V

Shit!! She remembers it!!? Did uncle said to her!?? Aish..she better stay away from him...I won't lose you too Mi Na..I surely won't! I'm gonna make him pay for what he did to me and your family..

"S-stay..away from him..he is dangerous!" I said

"No..Jimin..he is a nice man..You misunderstood him.." she said

"Please Mi Na..listen to me..just this time.." I pleaded her

" long as he didn't say anything...I won't.." she said

"Wth!!? Is wrong with you Mi Na!!? Won't you listen to me!?? " I yelled

"What is wrong with you.. " she continued

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