So Far Away~💔

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2 days past...

About Jimin...

He won't even look at me, and not even tell me a word and didn't touch me as he promised

Cause I gave him this punishment..

But...why do I feel distance towards him? I know it's a punishment but why do I feel like my heart is breaking into a big sword stabbing right through my heart?


I was walking through the streets when suddenly a limousine pulled in front of me

"Aww that scared me to death!" I mumbled as I went to near the window and tapped on the glass

"Can't you look properly when you drive? You almost killed me!!?" I yelled looking at him

And suddenly a voice spoke

"Oh Mi Na! How are you!?"

I turn around to see....

Kim seokjin..

"Oppa?"  I asked surprised but eventually went to him for a hug

He smiled widely and hugged me back

"Did you missed oppa that much huh?" He asked as he poke my cheeks with his finger and we both laughed

"So how is life Mi Na?" He asked me

"Well...too complicated? Haha" I chuckled lightly

"Mi Na...Are you married?" He asked as sadness seems on his face

"Yes...oppa...married to a mafia.." I said while looking down

"Mafia!? Wait..don't tell me...You are married to park Jimin!?" He yelled

"Yes oppa..I'm his wife"I said as I continued fidgeting my fingers

"Why? Marry him?" He asked while his hands rested on my shoulder

" parents signed his contracts so yeah.." I said

"Shit...they signed the wrong one dammit!" He mumbled so I couldn't get what he is saying

"What did you say oppa?"

"Ah..nothing!" He said as he smiled

"Soo..wanna hangout with Oppa?" He asked as he let out his hand for me to hold it

I hesitated at first but...

"I'd love to oppa!" I said excitedly and took his hand and he lead me inside the limousine and he get on it and closed the door and the driver began to drove off

" are you living with him?" He asked while staring at me with his serious tone

I gulped and looked at him as he was sitting across from me

"'s nice.." I said as I looked away

"Mi you love him? Does he even love you?" He asked as he grabs my hand so suddenly that made me jerk on the seat

"Yes oppa....i-i like him...he takes care of me well.." I said as I looked down

"Don't lie!" He said as his grip around my hands tightened causing me to wince in pain

"Oppa...I'm not lying!" I said as I try to release the grip from him

"Sorry Mi Na...I was..just..." he said as he quickly took off his hands from mine

"Aah.. it's ok are worried Right?"

"Of course I should be! Uncle's last Wish was to make you happy!"

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