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This part contains some mature things.. so if you feel uncomfortable you can skip this or...just read it..😏
And readers under 14 don't read it Please! That's all thank you! Now gotta go to the story and wait...

Guys! Sorry for not updating you know... EXAMS and stuffs! I have math test tomorrow wish me luck!!😣 and I'm here writing fanfic for ya SEAGULLS! Hope you enjoy this!

Now let's goooo!!!!


"Hyung!!" I yelled as I ran upstairs to his room to find Jimin

When I went there my eyes softens...
He is really going through a lot...'s gonna end...

I went near him and hugged him making him look confused as ever

I smiled and said, "hyung...I have to tell you something..."

"What is it?" He sounded with no emotion

"I found Mi Na" I said and he looked at me with wide eyes and hugged me tighter as ever

I gotta say that...


"Taehyung ah *sobs*....gomavoo..." he said between sobs and I just shook my head and smiled


Mi Na's POV

He did it again....he's ruining me...
It's hurting I even have those bruises.....jimin....I miss you....where are you...?? He is slowly killing me....that MONSTER...

You're too much....

Last night

" sure you are doing the right thing?" He asked as I tried to loosen his grip but I can't....he was too strong...after all he is a man...

"Seokjin....You're saying that Jimin is my cousin??"

"Yes baby...that's the truth tho!" He said as he came closer to me without any warning

"And...did you just called me....seokjin?" He said and I gulped

I could see anger boiling in his eyes

"S-sorry I d-did'nt m-mean-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt his cold hands going dangerously up as I was a shaking mess


Not again...

As I tried to get up he harshly pushed me on the bed and hovered over me

"Aww is my kitten scared now..?" He asked as he smirks widely and slowly unbuttoning my shirt

"P-please...j-jin....this is wrong....i-im a m-married woman!!!" I yelled and he seemed shocked and he smirks wider..?

"Well...What did I said now... you're calling me by my name again!! Where are your manners little girl!!?? Huh!!? And I'm glad that you are a married woman now!!! *smirks* so that....I can make you pregnant and....

He came closer to my ear his hand his still on my thigh roaming dangerously making me flinch every time and he suddenly grabbed my inner thigh and bit my ear and said..., "make you mine..."

I cried and started to push him again and again but...

Nothing happened

He slowly started to unbutton my shirt as I slapped him too hard on his face


He looked so angry that he can kill me with his eyes..

Wrong move...

"I-i d-did-nt mean to..*sobs* s-sorry...please...t-this is *sobs* w-wrong... p-please.... s-send me to *sobs* J-Jimin... he- is missing *sobs* me.." I said and felt him sat on the bed  and I slowly crawled back and laying against the headboard hugging my knees and slowly crying as my shirt is unbuttoned.

And soon I felt someone's arms  wrapping around me and I quickly looked up only to find his evil smirk

"H-huh-" I barely letted out as I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my inner thighs

"A-ARHHH" I yelled and tears starting to flow down through my eyes

"J-jin...j-just Why... m-me- Arhhhh!!" I yelled as the pain was unbearable

He slapped my inner thigh with a whip.

" have been bad lately I thought of not doing to you but I changed my mind now....I'm gonna do"  he ripped my shirt and threw it away and I was left in my inner garments and I kept on hitting him and he quickly handcuffed me on the headboard and smirks,

"now I can do my work in peace.."  he said and slowly came closer to me and sat in between my legs

"A-AARGHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed  as the pain was unbearable. He was hitting my thighs too hard.

It was too much!!! I cried and told him to stop but he just smirks and suddenly he came closer to me and started to kiss me and went lower down my jawline...neck....collarbone...chest....tummy... he licked my tummy all over and I suddenly felt my stomach being funny as I screamed loudly and I felt jin's smirk on my tummy.

"S-stop!!! P-please...." I said it between my uneven breath and sobs

Suddenly he stops and released my hand that was handcuffed to the headboard

"I think that's enough for're so can't handle it, me being inside of you right now.. " he said and bit my neck as i cried hard and he went away...

What in the happening...

I'm a married woman...and I'm being..


SEAGULLS!! So what you think!? Seokjin is too much in this ff and don't hate him!! Ok? It's just my imagination that's all and thank you for reading!!!

Soo much is coming on the next chapter...?..😏😏🙄🙄 and...

Trapped is coming to an end...!??


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