First love..?❤

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5 years ago~

"Yahh!!! Park Jimin come downstairs soon!!! We are going now!!!" Mi Na yelled

"Yah!! Don't you have manners?? Calling an elder one with his full name?" Jimin said while coming downstairs

"You're just my height!! Why should I call you oppa!!??" She yelled back

"Yah!! You two!! Fighting again!!!??" Taehyung exclaimed

"Guys!! Go to the car we are going!" Tae's mom yelled and all of them entered the car

"Yay!!! We're going to Busan!!!" Mi Na exclaimed cutely making all of them in the car laugh

*Timeskip brought to you by jiminie babo*

"You Guys!! Did you see jungkook??" Tae asked Mi Na

"He's probably drinking milk!" Mi Na said while holding her laugh while jungkook made his way to them

"Yahh!! Kim Mi Na stop it!!" Jungkook yelled cutely making Mi Na pinch his cheeks

"Ok kids!! Lunch time!!!" Mi Na's mom shouted


"Ok guys go get some woods so that'll keep us warm and tomorrow we are going to our house in busan" Jimin's dad said and the four kids ran to get the woods

"Yah let's go in pairs in case someone missed give a call you all have phones right?"  Jimin asked

"Yeah!" All shouted

"Ok let's choose pairs by playing rock, paper, scissors!" Jungkook exclaimed

"Kai, bai, bo!!"

Tae: 🖐
Jungkook: 🖐
Jimin: 🤛
Mi Na: 🤛

"Oh shit!! Am I going with park Jimin!!??" Mi Na sounded upset

"Yah!!" Jimin yelled

"Ok ok!! Don't fight Please!! Ok we'll meet here call us if you guys missed!" Tae yelled and they both got disappeared

"Mi Na let's go!" Jimin said and dragged Mi Na along with him

"Yah!! Stop dragging me!!!" Mi Na yelled and finally escaped from his grip

"Yah!!! Hold my hands!! You will fall down if you don't!! The pathway is so rocky!" Jimin shouted but Mi Na didn't seem to listen to him and walked away


"Ahhhhh!!!" A shouting sound was heard

Jimin ran to see who was shouting and his guess was right...

Mi Na was lying on the floor while her leg is bleeding

"Mi Na!!" Jimin shouted and went near her and picked her up

"I told you right!?" Jimin asked her but Mi Na buried her head into jimin's chest and cried

He patted her head and slowly made her sit before the tree trunk

Jimin searched his bag and he got bandages so he wrapped her leg with the bandages he had.

While wrapping it Mi Na couldn't control the pain and started to shout more

"Jimin!! It's paining!!!" She yelled

"It's gonna be alright Mi Na" jimin replied


After wrapping the bandages jimin sat near her and she rested her head on his shoulder

"Mi Na.. why aren't you calling me oppa?" Jimin asked making Mi Na took her head of jimin's shoulder and looked away

"Huh!?? I-it's..I...mean..that-- I-"

"Yah why are you so nervous!!?? I just asked why don't you call me oppa?"

"I know!!"

"Then tell me why?"

"" MiNa started to panic

"Yah! I just asked why...why are you so panicked?" Jimin asked before holding her shoulders


Before she could say anything jimin smashed her lips on her and started kissing her passionately. Mi Na looked so shocked that she don't know how to react to it and feel the kiss with her eyes wide open she didn't kiss him back. Jimin ended the soft and sweet peach kiss perfectly and gave Mi Na a sweet smile that she never seen anyone smile like that in  her lifetime.
Mi Na couldn't believe what happened now and she was so shy so she didn't look at him instead she looked at her leg


"Don't say that...I'm your first kiss"

"You are...."



"I'm glad that I took away your first kiss..." Jimin said while smiling

"Huh..W-what do you mean..?"

Jimin went closer to her and trapped her by placing his two hands on the tree trunk..

Now there's no place between them. He was only inched away from her.
He went closer to her ear making her flinch by the sudden action.


You are my first love....❤"

Seagulls sorry for the late update!! The reason why I couldnt update I posted it on my conversation! So please read it!! And I hope you all loved this part!!! And guess What!!???



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