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Warning❌: there may be some mature content


I was caught off guard when suddenly jimin kissed me..I stayed silent. I can't stay still..My heart tells me to kiss him..

I slowly moved my lips as he smirked between our kiss and deepened the kiss more and we parted to let both of us to breathe

"Mi Na..let's go home now..shall We?"
Jimin asked and I couldn't help but blush at what we did just before..

Jimin saw me and giggled at my red cheeks which is now showing clearly to him..

He held my hand and we went to the car and he opened the door as a gentleman..and I sat on the seat and Jimin closed the door and he sat on the car and drove off to our house

As we went inside the house jimin went inside the room before me and I followed him still confused

"Jimin, if you have to shower go shower first I'll shower lat-" I couldn't finish my sentence as jimin grabbed my hand and back hugged me

I stood there frozen what to do next as I felt Jimin's hand roaming to my torso and up to my spine and found my dress's zip he unzipped it lightly...causing me shiver in shock

I just stand there with my eyes closed..

"J-Jimin.. " I called him but he didn't reply as he picked me up bridal style and went to the bed and put me slowly on the comfy bed of ours

Jimin just stared at my eyes before hovering over me as I was shocked at his reactions..he promised me he won't touch me but now..why..

Why now?

Jimin looked at me with guilt in his eyes..as he saw me he leaned over to my ear causing me to shiver..

"I can't control anymore Mi Na ah..I want you...I love you.." he said admitting his feelings towards me

I squinted my eyes with shock as I noticed how jimin just confessed to me..

What is happening Here?

I shivered when a soft moist skin pressed below my ears which is
Jimin's plump lips

He started to slowly giving soft kisses below my ear as he went up again to suck my earlobe..

I breathed heavily as I felt his hands roamed towards my thighs as he draw circles on my thighs

I started to hit his arm to stop but it doesnt stop from doing so..indeed he deepened what he was doing

Instead of giving soft kisses below my ear, he started to suck and nibble on my neck...as he found my sweat spot he started to suck on that spot for sometime and he moved lower and lower to kiss my collarbone..

And his hands roamed towards my back again as he unzipped it more now it showing my back..he kept on drawing circles on my back and began to go lower


That showed a bit of my chest and his lips landed on my chest..

I breathed heavily as he started to kiss my chest..I began to hit him more now...

He held both my hands and stare at me intensely that made me scare..

His death stare...

He gulped as he looked at my slightly showing chest and started to do what he was doing a while ago..


He went to my ear again...and said

"Do you like it..Mi Na ah?..huh?..you are so pretty...but I can't do without your permission...I'll kiss you now..."
He said in a husky voice

And his lips landed on mine..

He kissed me with lust in his eyes...it was not a sweat kiss like before..
It's a hungry kiss

He kept on deepened the kiss and he bit my lower lip suddenly making me moan..That made him kiss me more deeply..than ever..

He bit my lips again and slowly entered his tongue to explore my mouth..

And we are fighting for dominance as ever..Jimin won and we...were literally French kissing each other...

He parted to get some breathing and again he attacked my neck

He started sucking and nibbling giving me hickeys all over my neck and a few purple marks were clearly seen as to people to understand that I'm his wife and I kind of enjoyed the love bites from jimin..

Soon after he was doing any further he stopped himself and laid beside me while guilt hit him...

"Mi Na..sorry I broke the promise...I wanted to kiss you so badly...Cause I love you..but I didn't thought of your feelings...I'm so-" Before he could finish his sentence I quickly pecked his lips making him confused as ever..

As I found what did I do now... a light pink tinted shade spread across my cheeks as I turned my back to him and held my face with my palms

And I shivered again when I felt a cold skin brushing against my back as his hands making way through my zip to zip it back..and slowly turned me so I would face him..he took my hands off my face and held it in his hands and asked me..softly..

"Mi Na..what did you do just now?"
He asked me while giggling

I was unsure of my feelings but now..I think I understand...

"J-jimin..I understand my feelings for you now..."


"I like you Jimin..."


Sorry for this chapter I think i'm lacking a lot in writing!! Forgive me SEAGULLS!! And I think you all love to read this book! Thank you so much!! It means a lot to me...I live you all seagulls!! Saranghaee!!

And make sure to support my other fanfics too!! My Annoying Friend a Jungkook fanfic and Personal stylist is also a Jungkook fanfic

Read and enjoy SEAGULLS!!!



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