The Truth Untold~💜

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J I M I N ' S  P O V

Why did  I remembered that now..? I miss her badly don't I? Of course I do!!!
Mi na....I miss you....I miss you so much... That...

I will die this moment...

9 years ago

"Yah!! You guys!! We're searching for you guys the whole time!!" Taehyung shouted as jimin and Mi Na were literally hugging each other what happened a while ago..

He saw them with an evil smirk, "you...two...what do you think you we doing right now?" He asked them

"Well...Mi Na fell down and she is injured...." jimin said back as sat down and waiting to carry Mi Na on his back. Mi Na quickly hopped onto his back and held him tighter as he held her thighs with his both hands. She buried her face into jimin's neck as he chuckled lightly how cutely she was behaving right now.

Jungkook noticed it and began smirking evily as he approached them, " you two...sure you don't have anything between you guys?" He asked with his arms crossed

"Well.. none of your business coconut boy!" Jimin said as he walked faster
Leaving jungkook, the baby boy shouting from his behind


Mi Na 's  P O V

My life... what did I do wrong to deserve all this...? Why God...? Why me?...

As I was crying a tall figure was standing in front of me. I looked up to see only that jerk's face

I quickly avoided him as I hauls back when he suddenly grabbed my shoulders

" sure you are doing the right thing?" He asked as I tried to loosen his grip but I can't....he was too strong...after all he is a man...

"Seokjin....You're saying that Jimin is my cousin??"

"Yes baby...that's the truth tho!" He said as he came closer to me without any warning

"And...did you just called me....seokjin?" He said and I gulped

I could see anger boiling in his eyes

"S-sorry I d-did'nt m-mean-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I felt his cold hands going dangerously up as I was a shaking mess


Not again..."

2 months ago~


"Are you gonna say where your daughter is?" Jin asked as he pointed a gun towards Mi Na's parents

"We won't tell You!!" Mi Na's dad shouted making jin beat her father with the gun on his head

He  yelped in pain as he collapsed on the floor

Mi Na' s mother's face was in full if terror as she wanted to tell jimin all these things

"Last chance....where is your daughter?"

Her mother kept silent

"You piece of shit!!" He yelled as he pushed her and she collapsed on the floor. He shouted and went near her and pulled her hair out making her wince in pain

"Say!!! It already!!!"

"I won't"


"Jungyeon ah!!!" Mi Na's father yelled as he saw his wife laying on the floor lifelessly

"Why are you alive when your wife is dead already?" Jin said as he shooted her father too making the both of them lying on the floor lifelessly...


"Drive fast!!" Jimin ordered as the driver fastened


"Taehyung! Go and check inside!" He ordered as he ran inside and stand there with his hand over his mouth

Jimin was confused as he went to Taehyung what he was seeing and...

His world was shattered into pieces...

His heart broke seeing his beloved uncle and aunt laying on the floor lifelessly...

He ran to them and hugged them

"Imo*!!! Samchoon*!!! Wake up!!!" He said as a tear rolled down his cheek

[Imo- aunt , Samchoon- uncle]

Mi Na' s mother slowly opened her eyes as she cried

"J-Jimin ah..."


"P-please....t-take care of Mi Na..." she said as she closed her eyes

"Imo!!!!" Jimin shouted as he cried and started to break those things quick are around him and his men just stood there watching everything except are who also crying and holding his uncle and aunt's hands

"Taehyung.....prepare the contract" jimin ordered

Taehyung nodded as he brought it to jimin and Jimin  went to them and made them sign with their fingerprints and lastly he kept his sign too

And then.....

Mi Na came inside...

Jimin couldn't believe how beautiful she became after the past few years and he felt the urge to cry but...

He shouldn't....

SEAGULLS!!! YOO~~~ NEW UPDATE WOOHOOOO!!! sorry for making you guys wait!!! Please understand!! And What do you think about the story!?? You guys like it?? If you have any doubts you can freely ask me in the comments and I'll reply to each and every comment!!

Sooo guys!!! Have a great day/night with this update!!!


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