His wife~♡

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"You may kiss the bride!~"
the priest said and I just looked shocked af...PARK JIMIN IS GONNA KISS ME!!

He leaned closer to me and he grabbed my waist closer to his body he just smirked!? This guy is getting on my nerves!! And my aunt jeon bastard jungkook and Kim Taehyung oppa getting on my nerves as well shouting on the background " KISS HIM BACK " they guests were laughing and cheering for us...I feel so...Angry right now...

He leans closer...and..closer and our lips met...I didn't kiss him back he kissed me for seconds and he picked me up bridal style...

"What the-"

"Mi Na...you remember right?
He smirked...

Oh god...My punishment after marriage is............NOOO!!!

"Be prepared baby.."
He went to the black limousine and he placed me on the seat and he got seated to..

"Anyeong~~Park couples!" My aunt shouted..Taehyung oppa and jungkook got seated too...

I stayed silent....


"Couples don't be silent when they are married....huhu" Jungkook said

I'm fuckin sure he is gonna be dead...YOU ARE SO DEAD JEON JUNGKOOK

"Then..what Couples do?" Jimin asks smirking at me...


"You know...they will--"

I cutted him off Ah!! Such dirty minded people

"Ehm....I want some water please.."
I said..

"Here..." jimin gave me the water I took it of from his hand and drank it..

"We are arrived sir"
The driver said and we got of except Jungkook and tae oppa

"Aren't you gonna come with us?" I asked curiously

"How can we be there with a couple?" Jungkook said smirking

You are dead so sure JEON FUCKIN JUNGKOOK!

"we'll get going then"  Tae oppa said

TaeTae oppa...you too!?

Then they went off


"Erhm..Park Mi Na...let's go inside shall We?" He asked while smiling? Waaw...he looks like an Angel while smiling...I hope he smiles like that often...in my dreams tho..

"Kim Mi Na?"


"You didn't anwere me when I called you Park Mi Na..but you answered me when I called you Kim Mi Na.." He smirked.

Aish..what an asshole!!

"Ah..s-sorry...i-i didn't m-mean to..."
I looked down

"Ok ok...I don't wanna hurt my wife on our wedding day...I'll let you go today"
He said and went inside I followed him. Many maids welcomed us
"Welcome to your home!SIR AND MADAM!"

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